15th week of pregnancy – pain in the lower abdomen, ultrasound and belly. Which month is it?
Are your clothes starting to feel tighter? No wonder, the second trimester is in full swing. The baby is growing (about the size of an orange or a larger apple) and the uterus is getting bigger. However, he still has plenty of room for his acrobatic moves. In addition, the baby can already hear. Gender determination by ultrasound is no longer a problem in many cases. However, it is important that the fetus is turned so that the doctor can clearly see what it needs. You can pay extra for a 3D/4D ultrasound. Several symptoms are muted in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, on the contrary, some are heard and begin to show.
The belly can already be seen in several women at the 15th week. Especially if it is a multiple pregnancy or women who are no longer first-time mothers. At that time, the pregnant belly can be really noticeable even by the surroundings. However, movements cannot be felt at this stage of pregnancy. The baby is the size of a pear, apple or a larger orange. Limbs grow and basically the fetus looks like a mini version of a baby. Organs continue to grow and individual systems improve. The central nervous system makes all the connections. Bones are also strengthened. How does the baby develop in the 15th week of pregnancy and what feelings does the future mother experience ?
The development of the baby in the 15th week of pregnancy - growth continues
Approximately 13 weeks have passed since fertilization, it is the second half of the 4th month, and the mother has completed the first third of her pregnancy. Just as the mother gradually gains weight, so does the fetus. During this period, the fetus already resembles a smaller version of the baby that will come into the world. The ears are already in place and even according to some research, the baby already perceives sounds during this period, e.g. heartbeat, digestive sounds or voices. Calcium is deposited in the bones and they are therefore stronger, especially the legs, arms, skull, but also the spine, ribs and shoulders. The baby is actively moving in the womb. The fetus continues to train breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid, as well as the swallowing reflex. The given muscles are stimulated and active during the activity. Sterile urine is formed in the kidneys, which accumulates in the bladder and then the child empties into the amniotic fluid.
Signs of eyelashes or eyebrows and even the first hairs may appear on the head. The contours of the face are already clear. The child exercises his facial muscles with grimaces. The body is covered with fine hairs - lanugo. The legs are already longer than the arms. The immune system develops very slowly and the nervous system also develops further. The lymphatic glands, which are involved in building immunity, also become active. The heart works at full speed and the blood circulation fulfills its tasks, despite the fact that it does not yet work as it does in an adult. A pigment may begin to form on the skin. At the same time, the skin is no longer so thin.
15th week of pregnancy - the gender of the baby is known
And how big is the baby? The CRL of the fetus (parietal-coccyx length) is approximately 10 to 14 cm. In total, it can measure 17 cm from head to feet. The weight is around 70-80 g. It is equivalent in size to an apple, orange or pear. The baby is already spreading out more and is not so much curled into a C shape. The neck is significantly elongated.
In this period, with a good position of the baby, it should be possible to determine the gender of the baby. The quality of the technical equipment also has an influence on the examination. Not all ultrasounds are equally powerful. At the same time, the child can cover his genitals in several positions. During this period, determining the sex of the baby has a 97% success rate. At your own request, you can arrange to undergo a 3D/4D ultrasound. However, this is a paid service that is performed only by some specialized medical facilities. In addition to beautiful detailed images, parents can also watch a video of the fetus.
Another pregnancy consultation may await you. You will have it every 4 to 6 weeks from the first visit. Most pregnant women have already completed their first-trimester screening during this period, but if it was not done between the 10th and 14th week, it must be completed as soon as possible. It is necessary to undergo this examination in order to find out how the fetus is developing and the health of the pregnant woman. A test is also carried out for the possible occurrence of congenital diseases of the fetus - chromosomal abnormalities. A detailed ultrasound is also performed. There is no need to worry about possible examinations by other specialists. For example, also at the dentist. Pregnant women often develop gingivitis or infections, which can affect your health and the development of the baby.
It is a non-routine diagnostic examination during which amniotic fluid is collected. A thin needle is inserted into the uterus, with which approximately 30 ml of amniotic fluid is taken. The injection is performed simultaneously with the help of ultrasound monitoring of the uterus, so that it is clear that the injection is correctly situated. The collected amniotic fluid is sent to the laboratory for cultivation, where it is determined whether a developmental disorder is present. Amniocentesis is primarily used to diagnose syndromes (such as Down's, Patau's, Turner's or Edwards' syndrome) or other congenital disorders.
The examination can be performed from the 15th to the 20th week of pregnancy (note: it is also possible between the 10th and 14th week, but at this stage the risk of miscarriage increases). However, it is performed only in necessary cases, when the doctor has adequate indications for performing such an intervention. Most often, amniocentesis is performed in older pregnant women, if there was/is a birth defect in the family history or blood analyzes indicated the possible occurrence of a developmental defect in the fetus during pregnancy. The procedure entails certain risks, which the doctor must discuss in detail with the pregnant woman.
15th week of pregnancy – movements and belly
The feelings of expectant mothers in the 15th week of pregnancy can differ significantly. Every pregnancy is different. The second trimester is synonymous with relief, a rush of energy, and the withdrawal of symptoms, but on the other side, the situation can be completely opposite. Many women feel better, they have an appetite, they look fresher, their skin is better, their hair is shinier, and their desire for sex also increases. For women who show a pregnant belly, we can talk about the line of pregnancy. Women are often bursting with happiness and joy. However, not every woman must legally have a belly at the 15th week. For many, this visual manifestation may last several weeks. Much depends on pre-pregnancy BMI and genetics. Rather, it will show e.g. in second mothers or in case of multiple pregnancy. If it concerns the baby's movements, it is still too early.
Gaining weight during pregnancy is also very individual. Some women gain up to 6 kg by the age of 20, while others gain 2 kg with difficulty. In the second trimester, the tables speak of an increase in weight of approximately 0.5 kg per week, which is, however, very indicative. Overall, the optimal weight gain during pregnancy is considered to be 12 to 15 kg, but sometimes it is less, sometimes more. The breasts are not getting that big anymore. Some women are still very sensitive, others less so.
Bloating or heartburn may still be present. The so-called pregnancy pigment spots (chloasma) that disappear after childbirth. You probably already have a black line, linea nigra, on your stomach. Problems with bleeding gums or nosebleeds are statistically more common in the second trimester. Nosebleeds are usually a symptom of swollen nasal mucosa. Occasional headaches are also typical. If you have a sphygmomanometer at home, measure your pressure from time to time. Vaginal discharge is still present - leucorrhoea.
Stinging in the lower abdomen and hot flushes
Pinching, sharp pain or cramps can be caused by the growing uterus. It increases in size because it adapts to the fetus and the placenta. Stretching of the ligament causes occasional stabbing pain in the lower abdomen. Often, the pain increases with increased physical activity. Many women report excessive sweating or occasional hot flushes during this period. Loss of concentration or forgetfulness also occurs. People talk about the so-called pregnancy brain.
Beware of iron deficiency - anemic conditions
Due to the fact that the organism has more blood supply and the volume of blood in the woman's body has increased, it is important to receive enough iron, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells. Lack of iron can cause anemia, which, if ignored, results in anemic conditions. Iron deficiency occurs in more than 75% of pregnant women, so it is advisable to include several foods rich in iron in the diet. It is necessary to increase the intake of iron.
15th week of pregnancy - experience
What feelings do women experience in the 15th week of pregnancy? It is mainly solved by pregnant women in forums and discussions. They often talk about the symptoms they feel or, on the contrary, do not feel. Several women advise others not to stress unnecessarily. Not infrequently, women experience a depressed mood due to the absence of a belly or due to the disappearance of some symptoms, but this is relatively normal in the second trimester. Women also ask about the use of magnesium during pregnancy because of occasional hardening of the abdomen, which can be caused by physical exertion or contractions of the uterus. Many women fear miscarriage, but it is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as vaginal discharge or shooting pain in the lower back.
The most frequent questions - FAQ
Has your pregnant belly started to peek out yet? How do you cope with the changes that pregnancy brings? Have you already had another pregnancy consultation? Do you still have various pregnancy symptoms ? Have you gained weight yet? What is your experience with pregnancy during this period? Join the discussion with other moms. Let us know how you felt or feel at 15 weeks pregnant. Your experience can be very beneficial for other mothers. Perhaps you too are dealing with a topic related to the given week of pregnancy. We will be happy for your knowledge, questions or interesting information about your experience of pregnancy.
15th week of pregnancy, which month is it?
Can I feel movements in the 15th week of pregnancy?
What if I feel a twinge in my lower abdomen at 15 weeks pregnant?
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