Anti-Flat Head Pillow

Anti-Flat Head Pillow. What are the reviews and experiences

The initial developmental stages of a newborn baby are anatomically characterized by the softness and pliability of the bones. This applies in particular to individual unfused parts of the skull, the healthy and aesthetically pleasing development of which depends on the fundamental care of the parents for the baby. As a result of various external influences, the baby's head may flat, and it is up to the parents to deal with this problem. As a prevention of such deformities of the child's head, a pillow against flat head is said to serve. However, there are many conflicting opinions about this orthopedic device.

Published: 26.09.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

Are there any benefits of these pillows against flat head or is it just a marketing move by the manufacturers to convince nervous mothers of the correctness of buying such an anatomical miracle? What position did foreign authorities take towards these orthopedic aids? We have summarized the answers to these questions in an article, on the basis of which each reader can form his own opinion on the given issue.

The essence of the anti-flat head pillow

The manufacturers mainly present the anti-flat head pillow as an orthopedic aid, which will not only prove itself in connection with the prevention of deformities of the developing newborn skull, but also the comfortable sleep of the baby. Their use is defined by an age interval with an upper limit of six months.

Orthopedic pillows for babies are available on the market in various shapes and colors, but one specific feature that unites them all is the depression in the middle designed to accommodate the child's head. In this way, the baby's head is stabilized by the soft sides of the pillow, which eliminates the pressure between the head and the flat pad in the crib.

A very important note must be emphasized regarding these special anatomical pillows intended for the smallest. Lying on a pillow against bedsores is ideal only in a supine position. This device should therefore mainly help babies who obviously prefer to sleep in this particular position. Anatomical pillow for babies thus prevents the head from lying down in the back.

The essence of the pillow against lying on the head

Orthopedic pillow for babies and safety

Although the manufacturers promote the antiflat head pillow as a safe aid to prevent deformities of the child's skull, the description of this aid may indicate the opposite. While on the one hand they emphasize its specifically designed shape preventing the baby from slipping during sleep, on the other hand they warn parents about the need to carefully observe the baby when using this pillow. So is the anti-flat head pillow really safe?

The United States Food and Drug Administration is clear on this. Back in the first half of 2022, they came up with a statement not supporting the claims about the benefits of the pillow against flat head. They emphasize that these orthopedic aids for newborns are not officially approved, and therefore their safety and effectiveness in the prevention or treatment of deformities of the children's skull is not confirmed. Currently, the security risks significantly outweigh the possible benefits of this device.

It is necessary to remember that up to 75% of babies are born with a certain deformation of the head, while many of them are born in the mother's womb or during the passage through the birth canal, which the flexible skull can easily adapt to. However, these miniature aesthetic defects visible on the heads of newborns disappear in most cases within a few days. If this phenomenon does not occur, bedsores can be eliminated in other ways that do not require unnecessary spending of money.

Orthopedic pillow for babies

The most important thing is the positioning of the baby

Correct and regular positioning of the baby is the optimal step in preventing bedsores. As part of the child's sleep, this action consists in changing the sides on which the child sleeps, every 24 hours. Alternate positioning on the sides is ideal, while in this position it is essential to avoid any risk of the baby turning over on its stomach. It should be placed on its side at a 45-degree angle, while the back must be covered with a blanket to prevent it from rolling over on its back.

However, positioning techniques must also be applied during feeding, carrying or playing. When the baby is in your arms, there should be a regular change of sides, or the parent's hands, on which they lie during various activities. This will prevent deformities of the baby's skull bones. In the awake state, the child can also be placed in the prone position, but it must always be under supervision.

Anti-flat head pillow - experience

They definitely do not recommend an anti-flat head pillow on the discussion portals. Among those discussing this orthopedic device, the phrase "marketing move" was also heard. While some mothers have registered certain changes in the deformities of their children's skulls after several months of using the orthopedic pillow for babies, others do not recommend this aid based on the available expert opinions.

In the discussion, however, the essence of positioning was highlighted to a large extent as a prevention against bedsores of the child's head, but also in the sense of solving this often purely aesthetic deficiency. However, if for some reason positioning is not possible in the first months of a newborn's life, which leads to deformities, the solution for serious deformities is a cranial orthosis prescribed by the doctor.

The most frequent questions - FAQ

Anti-flat head pillow and its reviews should speak for themselves based on our article, but in case you are also interested in other aspects related to pressure sores in children, we have prepared some additional information in the question and answer section. Any other comments, your experience with orthopedic pillows for babies or questions should be sent to the regularly checked comments section.

In general, the crib of a newborn under six months should not contain any extra pillows, blankets, blankets or toys. Of course, if the baby falls asleep better with his favorite plush toy in his hand, then its presence in the crib is essential. A favorite toy is welcome even if you try to position the baby with its help.

From the point of view of sudden death syndrome, which can occur during sleep as a result of suffocation when lying on the stomach or rolling over on this side, sleeping on the back is ideal. However, it is also necessary to take into account bedsores, which arise in the back of the baby's head precisely because of constant lying on one side, i.e. on the back. From this particular aspect, lying on your back with your head turned towards the ceiling is definitely not recommended. Therefore, it is primarily necessary to learn to position the child correctly. This will prevent not only unwanted bedsores on the child's skull, but also potential injuries.

Positioning largely depends on the degree of development of the baby's muscles and motor skills helping to move without the necessary assistance of the parent. This is a very individual thing that varies from baby to baby. In general, however, it is recommended to position the baby at least until the fifth month after birth. In this time horizon, most newborns cannot control their locomotor system enough to make self-assisted turning and significant movements. This applies not only to sleep time, but also to the state of wakefulness. After five months, however, in the awake state, babies acquire more movement activity, and therefore their positioning is only possible during deep sleep.

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