Can you eat garlic in pregnancy?

Can you eat garlic in pregnancy?

Published: 04.08.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

Garlic is considered a natural antibiotic, supports the body's immunity and defenses, helps maintain a normal level of cholesterol in the blood and has a positive effect on the heart and vascular system. Crispy toast with garlic is a healthy way to support immunity not only when you have a cold. But what about garlic during pregnancy? Is it among the appropriate foods?

The menu during pregnancy should be varied and balanced, it should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins. The most sensitive period of pregnancy is the 1st trimester, in which there is the greatest risk of miscarriage. The expectant mother should eat healthy and exercise adequately during pregnancy. As they say, pregnancy is not a disease, but caution does not hurt.

Garlic is especially suitable in the 1st trimester - it has a positive effect on the support of a pregnant woman's immunity and can also be beneficial for the healthy growth of the fetus. At the beginning of pregnancy, you can consume garlic in a reasonable amount (2 cloves a day). If you suffer from low blood pressure, heartburn or increased bleeding, you should avoid it during the entire pregnancy. It is in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters that the main side effects of garlic, namely blood thinning and lowering of blood pressure, could become apparent with higher consumption. Garlic is difficult for the stomach, therefore prefer using garlic in salads, spreads, on langoustine or toast before direct consumption.

Garlic reduces the risk of preeclampsia, which is manifested by high blood pressure, swelling and excessive protein excretion in the urine (proteinuria), lowers cholesterol levels and fights against flu and colds. Garlic helps to increase the birth weight of children if there is a risk of premature birth or if the child is small.

It is important to consume garlic in moderation, then its positive effects will manifest. Too much not only affects blood pressure and blood thinning, but can disrupt the digestive system and cause stomach problems. As for preparations containing garlic, it is necessary to consult a doctor about their use.

The reduction of blood pressure after consuming garlic was also confirmed in discussions by expectant mothers. Some were downright sick after it, for some, on the contrary, it did no harm, although they usually have a problem with low blood pressure.

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