Hair dye during pregnancy

Hair coloring during pregnancy. Is organic hair color suitable for pregnant women?

Hair, its health, density, length, color - all these attributes are very important for most women in terms of self-confidence. This is also why it is understandable that hair coloring is one of the most frequently discussed topics even among women expecting a baby. In order to make sure of the safety of your actions in this regard as well, it is advisable to contact medical experts, as well as those from the field of hairdressing.

Published: 16.06.2023
Updated: 05.12.2023

In the following paragraphs of our article, we will clarify whether hair dyeing during pregnancy is considered safe, which hair dye is intended for pregnant women, and which substances should be the most careful during pregnancy.

Hair coloring during pregnancy - yes or no?

The first trimester is considered the most sensitive period of pregnancy from many points of view. It is no different in the case of hair dyeing. At the beginning of pregnancy, when its internal organs are developing, the fetus is very sensitive to substances that reach it through the mother's body. Therefore, it is advisable to wait at least until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy before dyeing your hair. It is also necessary to mention the fact that the female body goes through many changes, which can be reflected in the different reaction of the body, hair or scalp to the usually used hair dye.

Of course, it is necessary for women to be especially cautious in this period of life. This can be achieved, for example, by a 48-hour test of the hair dye preparation on a piece of skin, which works as a preventive measure against possible complications in connection with allergic reactions, which can occur even when hair is dyed with a regularly used preparation. This aspect is mainly influenced by changes in the level of hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which cause certain differences in the quality of hair, nails, and skin before and during pregnancy.

However, the myth about the harmfulness of hair dyeing during pregnancy has definitely been disproved a long time ago, mainly because most of the substances that make up the dye are only aggressive towards the hair and scalp. This myth began to circulate among women sometime in the 80s, when hair dyes actually contained a number of chemicals that, according to studies, had a carcinogenic effect. The content of these harmful substances in hair dyes was gradually minimized or completely eliminated. Given that most pregnant women dye their hair a maximum of four times during their entire pregnancy, the substances contained in hair dyes can be considered harmless.

Hair coloring during pregnancy - yes or no?

Highlighting during pregnancy and other hair color alternatives

If you still want to avoid aggressive coloring products, we recommend consulting a hairdresser. It is precisely such experts who can advise you on the most suitable and easiest-to-maintain color that will last you throughout your pregnancy, or if it does not require frequent care in terms of reviving the color.

Currently, henna is generally recommended for hair dyeing. However, this hair color alternative is not suitable for previously dyed hair, and it does not provide effective coverage of gray hair, which in the case of some pregnant women is the main reason why they decided to dye their hair in the first place. You can use colored shampoos and sprays designed to quickly cover up imperfections to color overgrown hair, and thus also gray strands.

Some hair experts often recommend temporary hair dye, which washes off very quickly, but on the other hand, is much gentler on the hair. Highlighting is also a welcome change during pregnancy, which does not harm the scalp and therefore protects the body from possible allergic reactions. Don't expect any miracles from your regular hair dye. Hormones have a large effect on the ability of the preparation to take hold as it is used to. That is also why it is better if you contact an expert with hair coloring during pregnancy. However, even an experienced hairdresser cannot always predict whether the color will catch on as expected.

Pregnancy hormones can affect each woman in a different way, so each case is individual. While for some the color using ammonia comes out perfectly, for other pregnant women even the hand of a professional will not help. In order to avoid unexpected effects of the product on your hair color, choose organic hair color for pregnant women, which usually does not cause differences in results due to pregnancy hormones. Such ammonia-free hair color is also suitable to be applied by oneself in the safety of the home.

Henna during pregnancy

Ammonia in pregnancy

Ammonia is one of the harmful alkaline chemicals that should be avoided especially by pregnant women. Just inhaling the vapors of this chemical itself is considered unhealthy. Therefore, it is important to choose the right hair product that does not contain this ingredient and is therefore made on a natural basis. Choosing an effective, but at the same time safe hair dye during pregnancy is definitely worth consulting with an expert.

Ammonia has the most harmful effect in connection with hair dyeing, especially on pregnant hairdressers. They should always dye their customers' hair using protective gloves, while the room where they dye should be as well ventilated as possible. The same applies if you dye your hair at home. The paint must be applied in gloves as soon as possible and in a room where ventilation is allowed.

Hair coloring during pregnancy - experience

The topic of hair dyeing during pregnancy was also addressed by ladies on the discussion portals. Most of the discussants agreed that today's hair dyes do not contain such harmful substances as in the past, and therefore highlights, hair dyeing or bleaching to blonde are completely safe. The main thing is to consult with an expert who will reassure you and possibly advise you on a range of hair products that you should include in your hair routine during pregnancy. On the face of it, the discussants also stated that it is better to wait until the end of the first trimester with coloring.

Pregnancy is affected by a number of much more harmful things, such as chemistry in the air, food, household, but also stress, nervousness and unnecessary worries. If you are afraid of dyeing your hair, it is definitely worth discussing this topic with a doctor or a hair expert, while the best way to save your nerves is to stop dyeing your hair completely for some time during pregnancy. If possible, of course.

The most frequent questions - FAQ

Haven't you learned everything about hair coloring during pregnancy and the effect of pregnancy hormones on hair? If the answer to your questions was not found in the text of the article or in the question and answer section, write us in the comments what you are interested in. We will reply as soon as possible.

Pregnancy, but also the birth itself, literally waves with female hormones. Therefore, it is no surprise that hair loss can occur in some cases. And that either during pregnancy or after childbirth. In most cases, pregnancy hormones affect the hair in a miraculous way. They are shinier, denser and their growth rate also increases. However, after childbirth, other hormonal changes occur that thin out a woman's mane. This phenomenon can be observed in 50% of women, and it occurs as early as three months after childbirth.

While happier women experience a miraculous change in hair structure and quality for the better, other pregnant women experience the exact opposite. In order for your hair to be healthy and strong, include a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet, but also follow the drinking regime. Vitamins B, C and E in particular have a positive effect on hair, but also zinc, iron and biotin. If you decide to dye your hair during pregnancy, be sure to choose high-quality products. The same applies to shampoos, conditioners and other hair cleaning or conditioning products.

Of course, you can dye your hair at home during pregnancy, but from the point of view of product safety, it is better if you entrust this activity to a professional hairdresser. It is important that you inform the hairdresser about your condition in advance. This is the only way he can choose a color with a suitable composition, which will not be harmful in any way for you and your baby. In hairdressing salons, it is safer for pregnant women to change their hair color because of the use of high-quality and gentle products. If you are firmly convinced that you can dye your hair at home, choose ammonia-free dyes.

The best thing to do is to avoid all cheap and low-quality hair products that contain heavy metals, parabens or phthalates during pregnancy. The most suitable hair dyes for pregnant women are those without ammonia.

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