How long can a baby last without amniotic fluid?

How long can a baby last without amniotic fluid?

Published: 22.05.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

Amniotic fluid is essential for the baby's stay in the womb - abdomen. It begins to form approximately 12 days after the successful implantation of the egg in the uterus. It surrounds the baby from all sides and naturally the water usually drains before birth. The role of the amniotic fluid is to protect the baby from impacts and at the same time it is very important for the regulation of body temperature. During the movements in the amniotic fluid, the baby's muscles also develop and the lungs develop thanks to it. It is therefore extremely important for the development of the fetus. It consists of 99% water, then contains glucose, proteins, minerals, creatine and urea.

Given that the lungs are actively developing in the middle of the second trimester, it is necessary to monitor the amount of amniotic fluid during regular examinations. There are cases when amniotic fluid leaks unnoticed and very slowly. It is not always a rule that the amniotic fluid must flow out in a rush before birth, it often escapes more gently. It is important to notice this signal. However, abnormally low levels of amniotic fluid can cause serious complications, including defects, miscarriage or fetal death.

The time a child survives without amniotic fluid varies and depends on various factors. Therefore, there is no general answer. It depends on what stage of pregnancy the amniotic fluid leaks in the abdomen. If the amniotic fluid is lost before the 6th month of pregnancy, i.e. before the 24th week, the chance of the baby's survival is much lower than when the amniotic fluid is lost at the 37th week, when the baby is already at a higher stage of development.

In the case of some women, the experience with the loss of amniotic fluid is very negative, while its leakage had even fatal consequences due to an insufficiently developed fetus. For some pregnant women, early intervention and the appropriate procedure of doctors, on the contrary, contributed to saving the baby. The most common cases are premature births, where such a condition is considered risky precisely because of the insufficient maturity of the fetus.

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