How long does salmonella last in children?

How long does salmonella last in children?

Published: 07.06.2023
Updated: 05.12.2023

The answer to the question of how long salmonella lasts in children is not clear-cut. The cause of the disease is salmonella bacteria, which cause disease in animals and are then transmitted from them to humans. You can get infected from eggs (and products made from them) or insufficient processing of meat . Most often, salmonella appears in the summer and usually affects preschool children and the elderly. The incubation period is between 6 and 48 hours , some sources say up to 72 hours after consuming contaminated food.

Symptoms of salmonella are high temperatures, abdominal and headache pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and in small children, green stools often with admixture of blood appear. In the case of severe diarrhea, there is a risk of dehydration of the body and loss of ions, the smaller the child, the greater the risk. In treatment, rehydration (unsweetened tea, non-carbonated mineral water), diet (with minimal fat content) and pharmacological treatment ( probiotics ) are important.

Children up to one year need 150 ml/kg/day, for children from 1 to 3 years, the need for fluids is reduced to 100-120 ml/kg/day. If a breastfed child suffers from salmonella, breastfeeding should be continued and rice or carrot decoction should be given before each feeding. Formula-fed babies can consume the milk they are used to and pure rice or carrot broth. Milk should be given in a smaller concentration, one-third, gradually two-thirds. You can return to the full dose of milk slowly. This process can take up to 10 days.

Salmonella leaves the body for a relatively long time, the duration of treatment is individual for each individual. It is an infectious disease, as soon as salmonellosis is confirmed and the bacteria are excreted from the body in the stool, a person becomes infectious. Even if he no longer has any problems, he can still transmit the disease. Infectivity is ruled out only in case of 3 negative stool tests for the presence of salmonella.

As mothers expressed in discussions, children can excrete salmonella for several months - 2-3 months or more. They recommend a strict diet, plenty of fluids, probiotics and anti-diarrhea agents.

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