How to get pregnant for the first time?

How to get pregnant for the first time?

Published: 09.06.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

The desire for a baby usually has a positive effect on a woman's health - she starts eating healthier, exercising and avoiding harmful substances. Successful conception requires a healthy egg from a woman and healthy sperm from a man. If you are ready for a child and want to conceive as soon as possible, you should follow some advice. You can get pregnant even for the first time.

It is not true that if you want to get pregnant, you should make love as much as possible, ideally every day. With frequent ejaculation, the individual sperm parameters deteriorate, they do not have time to mature enough, therefore the egg is not fertilized. Sperm have the best mobility during ejaculation once every 3-4 days, therefore sexual intercourse 2-3 times a week is sufficient. It is ideal to have unprotected sex during fertile days.

Women who are underweight or overweight often have a problem with conception, in which case the hormonal balance in the woman's body is disturbed, which prevents conception. Before the planned pregnancy, try to optimize your weight. It is also appropriate to increase the intake of minerals, vitamins and trace elements. You should also avoid stress and allow your body rest and relaxation.

As several mothers confirmed in the discussions, getting pregnant for the first time is possible without any problems. Women are advised to try to get pregnant during fertile days and not think about it. Unnecessary stress will not help you, it will only harm you. Moms recommend taking folic acid and vitamins for a planned pregnancy in order to create a suitable environment for the desired child.

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