How to handle a defiant child?

How to handle a defiant child?

Published: 09.05.2023
Updated: 05.12.2023

The period of defiance is a stage in a child's life that also affects his environment. The need to assert one's will , intellectual development, emotional, psychological and social factors combined with hormonal changes are responsible for the period of defiance. The most typical age for the first period of resistance is around 2 to 3 years. How long the period of defiance lasts is impossible to determine exactly and depends a lot on the individuality of the child. The period of defiance in children has different manifestations and their intensity also varies.

How to handle the period of defiance depends on how the child behaves during this period . However, this period should not be underestimated, because even the inappropriate reactions of the parents can be responsible for how the child will subsequently work with his emotions. It is important to understand what changes the child is going through and also to use appropriate methods that will help to overcome the first period of resistance .

Overcoming a period of resistance requires patience . Avoid intimidation, punishment or fights . At the same time, if the child acts out in hysterics, do not ignore him or isolate him , even if he refuses your help, he is in need and needs to feel that you are there and not push him away. Don't make him feel that he doesn't deserve your love . If he is angry, listen to his arguments, understand his feelings and name them. Explain to the child that you understand his anger and sadness and give him reasons why he cannot achieve his will. It is ideal to explain things after the screaming and crying have stopped, because in a seizure the child will not perceive you.

It is important to set boundaries for the child so that he understands that he will not get his way by screaming and crying. Therefore, do not allow the child to defiantly force what he wants . Try a strong hug that shocks the child and even if he rejects you, such an impulse can have a positive effect . Try to distract the child or make him laugh with grimaces, sounds or tickling. Defiance in children can also appear in later preschool age or during puberty. Therefore, expect a second period of defiance.

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