How to know if the pregnancy is going well?

How to know if the pregnancy is going well?

Published: 25.05.2023
Updated: 14.12.2023

Most women visit a gynecologist after a missed period, often already coming to the doctor with a positive pregnancy test. The doctor will confirm whether it is a normal or ectopic pregnancy. The last examination takes place in the 36th week of pregnancy, after which the expectant mother is monitored once a week until the due date. We consider the normal length of pregnancy to be 40 weeks +/- 2 weeks, the safe period for the birth of the fetus is the period after the 37th week of pregnancy.

Given that pregnancy is counted from the first day of menstruation before conception (approximately 14 to 21 days before conception), the mother feels symptoms only after a few weeks of pregnancy, but in reality up to min. week after conception. The beginning of the 5th week of pregnancy is manifested by hypersensitivity, because the phase of hormonal changes occurs. The embryo is only 2 mm so far and is sensitive to the surrounding substances. During this period, a pregnant woman begins to perceive different smells and tastes. In the 6th week, there is tension in the lower abdomen and breast, fatigue and nausea appear. Nausea and vomiting can last up to the 13th week. The baby develops significantly in the first trimester, the foundations of the organs are formed and the baby begins to perceive surrounding stimuli. In the second trimester, his limbs develop and lengthen, the brain and lungs experience the greatest growth and development. The mother's belly is constantly growing and the baby's movements are intense. Back pain, swelling of the legs, hands and face, heartburn, flatulence, hemorrhoids and insomnia are a matter of course. Frequent urination, skin itching caused by reduced elasticity of stretched skin, hot flushes, dizziness or leg cramps appear. By these symptoms, the "correct" weight gain in each trimester and the baby's movements (kicking starts around 20-22 weeks), you will know that the pregnancy is going well.

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