How to put a child to sleep?

How to put a child to sleep?

Published: 18.05.2023
Updated: 05.12.2023

The feeling when the child falls asleep sweetly , pleases many parents. But at the moment when you are about to take a moment to relax, you hear crying and sleep and your moment to relax are postponed . Putting a baby to sleep is sometimes a science and in many cases it is a trial and error system. When you hear the amazing news from your friends that their child sleeps through the night and you feel like you don't even know what sleep is, there's no need to lose motivation and despair. Children's sleep does not yet have a completely logical structure. Every child is different , sleep needs are different and there is no universal guide on how to put a child to sleep . However, some advice and recommendations can be helpful.

Sleep is very important for a child. During sleep, the child grows stronger, grows, the body produces growth hormone, and at the same time, during sleep , the child processes the stimuli that it recorded while awake. Sleep is important at any age, and this is doubly true for children. If you are wondering why a child cries after waking up , of course, there can be an enormous number of reasons, but if it is sleep, it has its own explanation and causes . A child's cry before going to sleep or after waking up is an instinct . During the stay in the tummy, the child was used to the closeness of the mother , liked the swinging movement in the tummy and had its active and resting phases .

Especially in the case of infants and toddlers, it is important to create optimal conditions for sleep and introduce methods that will gradually lead them to fall asleep on their own . Nothing happens with the snap of a finger. In the case of the smallest newborns, it is necessary to tolerate that they are still forming their sleep patterns . Try to create rituals. However, keep in mind that not every child will get used to a fixed sleep schedule. You can establish approximate time frames and establish bedtime rituals - sleep after bathing , reading a story, singing a lullaby, night lighting (dimmed light) or other activities. Do not forget the appropriate temperature in the room , it should not be excessively high, at the same time high humidity is not good either. No TV for sleeping.

The smallest need to feel the closeness of their mother and father. In the beginning , rocking on the hands and falling asleep in the arms is normal. Apply gradually by rocking the baby and putting him in the crib while he is not yet fully asleep. Always be nearby so that the child can see you while falling asleep. Up to 3-4 months, swaddling can help with falling asleep, thanks to which the child will have the feeling of being hugged . For newborns and toddlers, a typical soother is a pacifier or a stroller. The toddler will also be delighted by a sleep buddy in the form of a plush toy.

Mothers who deal with putting their little ones to sleep mainly discuss the ways in which it is appropriate to put toddlers or newborns to sleep . With small newborns, it is important to tolerate that they are still creating their own routine . There are different ways to put a baby to sleep and it also depends on the age. The most common advice given by mothers was rocking, carrying in the arms, putting to sleep in a stroller, soft music or the sound of the sea, and some parents also found it helpful to carry in a scarf.

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