How to put a newborn in a crib?
Properly placing a newborn to sleep and rest can be difficult, especially for new mothers who do not yet have experience with this. In the first days after birth, the baby swallows the remains of the amniotic fluid, it becomes oversaturated and swallows the mother's milk, therefore it is very important that the head is higher than the legs. In the beginning, it is advisable to use a quick swaddle, and mothers often use a nest, which prevents the baby from rolling over dangerously and unintentionally getting wedged between the sides of the crib.
In the first weeks after birth, it is advisable to turn the baby on its stomach during the day so that it is forced to raise its head and strengthen the muscles of the neck and back. At first, the child can only stay in this position for a short time (5-10 minutes a day), gradually the time will be extended. Never put the baby to sleep on its stomach in the crib, it can only be in this position when you are supervising it.
Since the baby was in a ball in the womb and had a cramped space around him, it is advisable to provide him with such an environment until about 3 months of age. Day and night sleep in the first year of life should take place on the back. If the baby also turns over during sleep in the first half of the year, it is always desirable to turn him back onto his back. It is important to have a firm base, on which it is more difficult for the baby to roll onto its tummy.
Mothers recommend a swaddle and then a sleeping bag, a blanket is not suitable for the baby because it could get on the baby's head. They also do not recommend a pillow, the child's head should be directly on the mattress.
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