How to put drops in the baby's eyes?

How to put drops in the baby's eyes?

Published: 01.08.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

After birth, the baby's eyelids are swollen and its eyes are mostly closed because it is not used to the light. The pressure during childbirth can cause cracked veins on the whites of his eyes, which are visible immediately after he opens his eyes. For the first 2 to 4 days, the newborn's eyes are prone to tearing and festering, pus must be removed using gauze soaked in boiled water or a sterile solution of boric acid. Eyes should be wiped from the inner edge of the eye. The cause of eye problems in babies is usually narrowed tear ducts, which develop 2-3 months after birth. After removing the pus, it is necessary to apply anti-inflammatory eye drops recommended by the doctor.

However, applying the drops can be a struggle, as most children (and many adults) hate having their eyes "touched". However, it can be managed with more or less crying. Always wash your hands before application, because the eyes are prone to infections. Increased hygiene is therefore a must. Read the enclosed written information of the medicine, as some drops must be shaken before application, some should be stored in the refrigerator. If you have stored the drops in the refrigerator, always warm them to body temperature in your hands first, because cold drops irritate the eyes. Blinking frequently would reduce the amount of drops that remain in the eye. It is always better to "throw away" the first drop, drop it outside the eye. The drops are best applied lying down, for older and calm children you can apply the drops while sitting with the head tilted back and looking at the ceiling.

Pull back the lower lid at the outer corner of the eye, which creates a conjunctival sac between the lid and the eyeball, into which you can drop the desired amount of drops. The dropper should not touch the eye, thus avoiding infection with microorganisms. The most ideal would be if the child closes his eyes for 2 minutes after the application. It is advisable to gradually look up, down and to the sides so that the drops are evenly spread over the entire eye, or gently blink. It can be a problem for the smallest children, so to prevent the drops from escaping from the eye, press the inner corner of the baby's eye before applying the drops. For larger babies, you can try to first explain to the child why he needs the drops and show him that they won't hurt him.

In acute cases (nothing else worked, the child fiercely resists the drops and cries a lot with each application), try to drop them into the inner corner of the eye when the eyes are closed. After opening them, he automatically blinks and some of the liquid gets into his eyes.

In discussions, mothers advise to put drops on the child when the child is sleeping, but many drops need to be applied 5-6 times a day, so this procedure cannot be used very much. With the smallest children, you can make it a game. The child first tries to drop the medicine into your eyes (with the bottle closed), then you apply the drops to his eyes. For some mothers, none of the proven advice worked, and they had to force the drops into their eyes.

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