How to speed up childbirth?
A pregnancy older than 42 weeks is considered to be carrying - term pregnancy. It is a well-known fact that approximately only 4% of pregnancies end on the set date. Normal birth occurs approximately between the 38th and 42nd week. If the pregnancy exceeds the 40th week, the doctor carefully monitors the pregnancy and the health of the woman. It is up to the doctor himself if the pregnancy does not end by the 42nd week of pregnancy, when he proceeds to induce labor. After reaching the 42nd week of pregnancy, the placenta stops fulfilling its hormonal, excretory and respiratory function. Several factors play a role here. There are several ways to induce labor, both natural and artificial. In the following lines, we will present to you the possibilities by which you can speed up the birth so that transmission does not have to happen.
How to induce labor and speed it up? Some of the following tricks can help speed up labor. Try, for example, a warm bath. Despite the fact that warm baths are not highly recommended during pregnancy, the reason is that in an advanced stage of pregnancy, heat or a sauna can induce labor. A warm bath and a relaxing bath can therefore easily start labor.
Another more active option is movement. Try, for example, more vigorous walking on stairs or on a flat surface . But in any case, have a partner or friend close at hand. Cleaning helped some women. Oscillating movements of the pelvis are also helpful. For example, get on all fours (downward) and move your spine up and down, then forward and backward. To start contractions, you can also try exercising on a fitness ball, on which you can sway slightly and in this way stimulate the fetus and the muscles of the uterus . You can also try easy dancing, circling your hips, swaying to the tune, maybe music and movement will help you speed up the birth.
Active methods of inducing labor include sex. Sexual intercourse is close to fluctuating movements, but at the same time, stimulation of the birth canal with the penis can speed up childbirth. For some partners, sex during pregnancy is taboo, so you can also try fingering. As part of eroticism, it is advisable to try nipple massage. In some women, the nipples are an erogenous zone, they are very sensitive, and stimulation of the nipples releases oxytocin, which is used to trigger contractions and induce labor.
Perhaps it will make you laugh that laughter can also contribute to inducing labor. A good joke, a stand-up performance or a comedy can be a suitable film program. Tea made from raspberry leaves or tea with cinnamon can allegedly support childbirth. The digestive system can be helped if you enjoy slightly spicy food. However, definitely do not overdo it with pungency. If it doesn't work out otherwise, it will be necessary to artificially induce pregnancy - a pill, Hamilton's touch, disruption of the sac of membranes or artificial oxytocin to start uterine contractions (contractions).
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