How to start breastfeeding?

How to start breastfeeding?

Published: 18.05.2023
Updated: 05.12.2023

After birth, breast milk is the best source of food for the baby. No artificial milk formula can fully replace the nutritional capacity of breast milk, which is also confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, some women encounter the problem of insufficient lactation , i.e. milk is not produced in sufficient quantity or the lactation phase does not start at all. Different situations can arise.

If possible, it is important to start breastfeeding soon after birth . Skin-to-skin contact is enormously important for the initiation of breastfeeding. Even after the first application, it is suitable if the baby latches on for the first time. Lactation will be supported precisely by putting the baby to the breast regularly after birth , say every 2 to 3 hours. In some cases, it happens that the baby cannot be attached to the mother. In such a case, it is advisable to start breastfeeding by manually expressing the milk, or by sucking it with the help of breast pumps. You should start this 4 to 6 hours after giving birth. In this way, the body simulates breastfeeding and the lactation process works properly. Adequate drinking regime is also important for lactation. Even if you have enough milk, it is advisable to pump or pump the milk to avoid health complications or inflammation in the body.

A period of so-called lactation crisis, when the mother may not have enough breast milk for breastfeeding needs. However, it is still important not to stop feeding the baby , even if you start feeding him with artificial milk. It is important to hold the baby so that the baby can support the lactation process by sucking. We recommend storing the milk in bottles or special breast milk bags in the freezer when you can pump or express the milk. Later, you can thaw it, heat it up and use it just when you need it.

Remember that a healthy and balanced diet also affects the production and quality of breast milk. Therefore, pay attention to what not to eat while breastfeeding and vice versa, what can contribute to successful lactation and milk production. You can include special herbal teas - alchemilka or honeydew, which can contribute to the support of lactation.

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