How to terminate a pregnancy at home?

How to terminate a pregnancy at home?

Published: 06.06.2023
Updated: 14.12.2023

Despite the different types of situations, the severity of which can be different, never try to terminate a pregnancy at home. If you have already become pregnant and you are in a complicated situation, do not try to induce an abortion at home and rather contact a doctor or seek support in your area. This is a very intimate matter for every woman. Advice such as punches or kicks in the stomach, consumption of drugs, alcohol overdose or falling on the stomach should never be applied. This is the worst possible way to abort a child, putting your own health at risk.

You can also use safe and legal methods to terminate a pregnancy. Despite the fact that the Slovak legislation does not recognize the term "abortion pill", you can have an abortion with the help of such a medication in the neighboring Czech Republic. The abortion pill is a safe way to induce an abortion, and after 48 hours the symptoms of an abortion begin to appear - cramps, nausea, bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen. Bleeding after taking the abortion pill lasts longer - from 10 to 21 days.

In our conditions, artificial termination of pregnancy is possible, or surgical termination of pregnancy. It is a procedure that is performed under local anesthesia and usually lasts no longer than 3-5 hours. If it is an unwanted pregnancy, the woman has the right to terminate the pregnancy based on Slovak legislation, if it has not exceeded 12 weeks. Termination of pregnancy is possible for reasons when the life of the mother or the proper development of the fetus is at risk. Artificial termination of pregnancy is also possible if the woman has not reached the age of 16. Pregnancy can be terminated with the consent of the legal representative. In other circumstances, abortion is considered a criminal offense.

If a woman is in a difficult situation and childbirth represents an insurmountable obstacle for her, she cannot take care of the child and provide for it, she does not have the support of her partner or those around her, she can ask for help from rescue centers, where she will receive safe and free help. If termination of pregnancy is not possible and the term of legal termination of pregnancy has been exceeded, it is possible to give birth anonymously and place the child for adoption.

A child is a gift. Only 30% of pregnancies end in successful delivery of the child. More than 30% of pregnancies end unsuccessfully due to the failure of the egg to implant in the uterus. 50 to 75% of spontaneous abortions take place before the 5th to 6th week of pregnancy and women do not even know about them. Up to 80% of abortions occur before the 12th week of pregnancy. Even though your pregnancy is unwanted, consider the options if inducing an abortion is the only option.

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