How will I know if my baby is OK in the womb?

How will I know if my baby is OK in the womb?

Published: 29.05.2023
Updated: 14.12.2023

Many mothers-to-be, as well as mothers of multiple mothers, often worry about whether the baby in the womb is okay. Most often, their concern and worries are indicated by the baby's movements in the belly. However, a restless baby in the tummy or absent movements of the baby do not always indicate a problem. How does the baby behave before birth and when should the mother feel the first movements of the baby in the belly ?

During pregnancy, pregnant women may experience various accompanying symptoms that characterize this condition. Some changes are more or less pleasant. Some can make mothers worry about whether everything is okay with the baby in the belly. Each pregnancy is very individual and it is impossible to follow the universal advice of other mothers. The movements of the baby in the tummy are also specific. Some women feel the first movements around the 18th week of pregnancy. However, first-time mothers can usually identify the first movements around the 20th-22nd week. Some perceive only gentle gurgling and pulsing of the baby, other mothers register jerky movements of the baby in the tummy or rolling over.

The most active movements of the child apply for words around the 24th-28th week. Several factors influence this, some mothers feel the baby's movements less, others more. Also, every baby is different - more active or lazy. You can caress the tummy while sitting, talk to the baby and communicate with him. Slight rolling and gentle movements are a sign that the baby perceives, at other times it can rest and you will not experience any activity. What if the baby doesn't move? There is no need to panic. The baby has its own routine and sleeps a lot of the time. If you feel that the baby is not moving for a long time, visit your gynecologist, because it may be a slowing down of oxygen supply. If there are sudden and rapid movements of the baby in the abdomen out of nowhere, it may be hypoxia of the fetus and lack of oxygen.

How does the baby behave before birth? Towards the end of pregnancy, the baby already occupies a large part of the abdomen, and its rolling over or some lunges of arms and legs can be more painful than those during the previous stage of pregnancy. Don't expect the baby to be active all the time. In the third trimester, babies sometimes roll over, but it is not a rule that the bigger the baby is, the more it moves.

Also notice that the baby reacts to how the mother experiences stressful situations, perceives the environment, noise, voices, and this can also be reflected in the baby's expressions in the womb. For example, you can count on the fact that if you are in a place where there will be loud music or too much noise, the activity of the baby will increase. The rapid movements of the baby in the tummy can therefore indicate that he does not like the unrest in his surroundings too much. How you feel the baby's movements is also influenced by the position of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid. Consult your gynecologist urgently for any acute changes or possibly other symptoms indicating that something is wrong.

Pregnant women often discuss the baby's movements, which often worry them. Many perceive that they do not know what to expect from the movements, therefore they are worried about what is happening with the baby in the belly. Some women report that they started to feel movements later than normal during pregnancy. Very often, the discussion also mentions pricking in the abdomen, which usually causes the muscles of the uterus to stretch. Fear of a baby in the belly is described by women as completely normal, and at the same time they state that it is necessary to get rid of stress, for example by exercising.

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