Is frequent urination normal during pregnancy?

Is frequent urination normal during pregnancy?

Published: 15.08.2023
Updated: 14.12.2023

Frequent urination is common and normal during pregnancy. During pregnancy, various hormonal changes occur in the body, which can affect the activity of the urinary system. The hormone progesterone, which is produced during pregnancy, has a relaxing effect on the muscles, including those in the bladder. The hCG hormone also contributes to more frequent urination. This results in the bladder filling faster and causing a more frequent need to urinate. The reason is also that there is a higher blood flow to the organs. This condition typically appears already during the 1st trimester, when frequent urination occurs during pregnancy.

In addition, in the later phase of pregnancy (at the end of the 2nd and during the 3rd trimester), it is the growing fetus in the uterus that can exert pressure on the bladder, which also contributes to increased frequency of urination. An increased load on the kidneys is also characteristic of pregnancy, which also contributes to a greater need to urinate. These manifestations are also typical at night - the woman regularly wakes up with the compulsive need to urinate. In an advanced stage of pregnancy, spontaneous leakage of urine – incontinence – may occur, even during sleep or when laughing or sneezing.

However, if you experience intense burning during urination, frequent urge to urinate accompanied by a very small volume of urine, pain in the lower abdomen (lower abdomen) or other unusual symptoms, it is important to inform your doctor. An accompanying symptom can also be increased body temperature. These symptoms could indicate the presence of a urinary tract infection that would require medical attention.

Many women experience the urge to urinate during pregnancy, as evidenced by discussion posts in forums. Several women were accompanied by frequent urination during the entire pregnancy. Some women report that with increased exertion, they immediately felt the need to defecate. For some women, the urge to urinate subsides during the second trimester and begins only with the growing fetus. Several women refute the general fact that frequent urination subsides after the 12th week.

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