Is grapefruit good in pregnancy?

Is grapefruit good in pregnancy?

Published: 11.08.2023
Updated: 14.12.2023

There are a lot of myths and misleading information about eating during pregnancy. Just look at various controversial ingredients, such as poppy seeds or coffee. Eating during pregnancy has its limits, but first of all, it is important to realize that diet can significantly influence other processes that take place in a woman's body during pregnancy. Raw eggs, seafood, alcohol, unwashed vegetables, raw mushrooms, or certain types of herbs are prohibited, but many foods are prohibited simply because it is passed down from generation to generation.

Such an example is also citrus fruits, for example grapefruit, orange or pomelo. You've probably heard that you shouldn't eat too much acidic food during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, this principle applies more, because citrus fruits represent a strong allergen for the child's body. This applies during pregnancy so that expectant mothers do not overdo it with these foods. Citrus fruits are known to be significant allergens.

So what about grapefruit in pregnancy? Can I have it if I feel like it? Despite the fact that grapefruit contains a small amount of quinine in the pulp, doctors have no problem with its consumption during pregnancy. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamin C and contains lycopene, which lowers blood pressure. The same applies to pomelo. Although these are exotic fruit crops, they in no way pose a significant risk that would threaten the health of the mother or the child.

This is also evidenced by the experiences of other mothers, who state in forums and discussions that they consumed grapefruit, pomelo or pickles during pregnancy. Of course, we remind you that everything should be done in moderation. Even eating 2 kilos of grapefruits in one sitting does not represent appropriate eating habits. Many mothers report that they consumed fresh citrus fruit juices, such as grapefruit or oranges, during pregnancy. The principle is also to wash every fruit or vegetable well.

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