Is stitching after childbirth painful?

Is stitching after childbirth painful?

Published: 26.07.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

In connection with suturing after childbirth, the incision of the perineum (episiotomy) or its tearing during childbirth is most often associated. The perineum itself represents the space - connecting tissue between the vagina and the lower part of the anus. The controlled incision itself ensures the expansion of the opening of the vagina, which allows access to the lower birth canal. It is a surgical intervention that is performed only in acute cases. At the same time, it can prevent spontaneous rupture of the dam, which would mean spontaneous tearing and much more serious physical damage to the intimate parts of the woman.

The incision itself during childbirth (episiotomy) is an approximately 2 to 4 cm long cut from the vagina towards the anus. After childbirth, the wound is sutured immediately. Suturing after childbirth takes place with the help of absorbable stitches after administration of local anesthesia. The purpose of the anesthetic is so that the mother does not feel the stitching, or she felt him as little as possible. After stitching, the place is painful and the stitched wound is healing.

Considering the place where the wound is located, it is important to observe proper hygiene in order to avoid inflammation of the wound due to infection. It is recommended to always rinse the area with lukewarm water after using the toilet, or use an intimate soap or washing gel containing oak bark. Showering is possible, but in this case, it is recommended to avoid taking a bath, at least for six weeks, until the wound is completely healed. The care is similar even in case of spontaneous tearing. The length of wound healing depends on the size, but also on proper care of the wound. Neglecting it can complicate the healing process. After the sutures have been absorbed, a perineum massage is recommended, which promotes deep healing and faster tissue regeneration.

Women often ask whether sewing after childbirth is painful. It is true that a woman is a different experience. A sutured wound can have different characteristics and dimensions. There are well-known cases when the sewing took place within half an hour after the birth and the mother did not feel anything, but there are also cases when the sewing took several hours when the dam was torn and the mothers remember a negative experience with pain.

Some women report in the forums that even after applying local anesthesia they felt pain, others praise the effect of the anesthetic. More pronounced relief was felt by women who gave birth after the administration of epidural anesthesia at the start of labor. A stitched wound after childbirth is also painful and sensitive. Women are advised to wear loose underwear, not to use any creams or powders, the wound must breathe and regular intimate hygiene is necessary. Showering the wound several times a day. The pain may persist for six weeks. For a woman, certain movements may represent greater discomfort. It is important to rest and limit physical exertion.

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