Jonas method

Jonas method - calculator for calculating conception. Experience says it works

Jonah's method of conception is no invention of modern medicine. It was created in the second half of the 20th century and the author is the Slovak doctor MUDr. Eugen Jonas, who verified its effectiveness through research during his 34 years of medical practice. Based on statistics, this method achieves a success rate of up to 98.6%. Based on certain laws, this method allows to calculate the natural infertile days and also the fertile days of a woman. However, it is not only based on the menstrual cycle itself, but also works on the individual biorhythm of the woman. The calculation is also related to the lunar phase of the Sun and the Moon. Jonas's method makes it possible to calculate the gender - a suitable term for the birth of a boy or a girl, and also to determine the period for the birth of a viable child. How does Jonas's method work? What experiences do couples have with it?

Published: 29.05.2023
Updated: 08.12.2023

The main reason for the creation of this method was to help women get pregnant successfully. Jonas's method is based on the natural conception of a child. In addition, this unique calculation aims to eliminate abortions, reduce the number of childless marriages and increase the birth rate of healthy and full-term children. The effectiveness of this method has been verified in obstetric clinics around the world and has been working for more than 60 years. All calculations are based on the individual biorhythms of the female body and are therefore completely personalized. Since the 1990s, the Jonas International Center has been successfully operating in Slovakia, which is the only official center that makes it possible to calculate conception using this method.

How does Jonah's method work?

The method itself is applied to each woman individually. Jonas's method or also the method of Natural regulation of conception works on the principle of specific biological rhythms. One biorhythm depends on a woman's fertile days based on menstruation. The latter is based on individual calculations for each woman and is related to the exact date and time of the woman's birth. In addition to these two independent biological rhythms, MUDr. Eugen Jonas pointed out that the lunar cycle (astrology) can also influence the success of conception. It is related to the phases and positions of the Moon and the Sun. It is based on the assumption that the optimal time for a woman to become pregnant is when the Sun and the Moon are in the same position as when a particular woman was born.

The motivation to eliminate abortions and abortions during pregnancy led to the development of this method by Dr. Jonas. Jonas's method also aims to prevent women from having to use contraceptives to "not get pregnant". The calculation of fertile days is to ensure that the number of childless marriages decreases.

Since 1957, Dr. Jonas has tested the method in practice. More than 8,000 births took place in clinics in Nitra, Bratislava, Trnava and Piešťany when this method was applied. Until 1968, the success rate of the method was at the level of 96%, while subsequently over 30,000 requests for calculation - naturally infertile days, gender determination, naturally fertile days and conception of a viable child were processed within 2 years. In total, the research took place for 34 years. Jonas's method gradually increased in success - the calculator for calculating individual categories today achieves a success rate of up to 98.6%.

How does Jonáš's method work?

Natural regulation of conception - calculation

This calculation is officially performed only by the Jonas International Center (patent) and individual calculations are charged. Services are also available online. Certain specific laws, restrictions or criteria apply to a specific calculation, which must be respected. To carry out the calculations themselves, it is necessary to have specific numerical data. For example, to calculate fertile days or to determine a boy or girl, you will need – date and year of birth, time of birth of a woman, place of birth and the given year for which you want to calculate fertile days. The guy's data is not necessary for the calculation.

It is also important to say that the method is primarily intended for couples where no physiological cause of infertility is present. A woman must have at least one functioning ovary, fallopian tube and uterus. In the case of a man, the spermiogram must have at least minimum values guaranteeing the presence of functional sperm. If these principles are not observed, the natural conception of a child is impossible. However, if the couple is unable to conceive, but the health indications do not seem to indicate complete infertility, the calculation of conception by the Jonah method can be one of the ways to find out when is the optimal time to try for natural conception.

Jonas's method - gender determination

I want a girl, will Jonas's method help? It is the effort to find out the optimal dates for conceiving a girl or a boy that leads many couples to try Jonas's method. It is ideal for couples who already have a child and it is obvious that they have no problem getting pregnant. On the basis of the supplied data, a calculation is prepared, which includes a conception plan for 12 calendar months. Part of the plan will be determining the exact dates that are ideal for conceiving a girl or a boy.

Jonah's method - infertile days

The calculation of naturally infertile days determines the dates when unprotected sexual intercourse does not lead to conception. This calculation by Jonas method is intended for those couples who do not plan to conceive a child. It is based on a woman's natural cycles and is independent of menstruation. It is suitable for women who have not yet been pregnant, but also for women after childbirth. The calculation calculates the schedule of naturally infertile days for 12 months from the date of the last period. This method is intended exclusively for women or couples who do not want to use any type of contraception and do not want to cause an unwanted pregnancy.

Jonah's method - fertile and infertile days

Jonah's method - fertile days

This is the most requested calculation by this method. Thanks to the calculation, the patient knows exactly when her fertile days are. In this case, the Jonah method of conception is intended for couples who are healthy and are trying to conceive or are trying to conceive but are not succeeding. As mentioned above, a woman must have at least one functioning ovary with a fallopian tube and a healthy uterus. A reduced value of sperm production must not be recorded in a man. However, in the case of some organic diseases or states of "sterility" in a man or woman, the calculations can also be successful and after efforts, a successful conception can occur. And even in cases where the partners have not been able to get pregnant for several years.

Fertile days are determined individually by Jonas's method based on a woman's biological rhythms. Fertile days are calculated for the entire 12 calendar months. Of course, even the calculation of this method is officially charged. If you are looking for a Jonas method calculator, you can find an available version on this internet link, which does not contain such detailed characteristics as the official calculation itself. However, it determines the fertile days and even determines the dates for the generation of the given sex.

Jonas's method - a viable child

This calculation is primarily intended for women who had problems with a previous conception or had complications in the form of miscarriage (abortion), premature birth, the death of a child after birth, or degenerative disorders and diseases. With this calculation, the plan is established and the optimal fertile days for conceiving a viable child are determined. The pregnancy should thus be properly carried to full term and the course should be without major complications.

Jonáš's method - a viable child

The success rate is high

How is Jonas's method successful in practice? The author of Jonas's method himself stated that the reliability was verified in practice on a sample of more than a million cases in different parts of the world. Based on the official data listed on the official website of the Jonas International Center, the success rate of the Jonas method of natural conception is up to 98.6%.

MUDr. Eugen Jonas

Dr. Eugen Jonas (Jonáš) was born on November 6, 1928 in Nové Zámky and studied medicine at the University of Bratislava. Later in Prague at the Charles University, he passed professional exams in psychiatry. In his psychiatric practice, he always tried to use innovative methods when working with psychiatric patients. He used music therapy, even then practiced breathing exercises, yoga and pointed out their positive influence. Later, he began to study biorhythms and their effects on people's lives and the functioning of the whole world.

Knowledge about a large number of spontaneous or clinical abortions and also legislative changes, such as the abortion law in Hungary, forced Dr. Jonas to investigate the issue of natural conception of children. As a religious person, he had a need to prevent abortions and at the same time eliminate the number of childless marriages. The turning point in the search for the laws of biorhythms and the issue of child conception occurred on August 15, 1956 (the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary). He subjected the method and calculations to investigation and elaborated it in detail. In 1971, it was proposed for the first time by scientists from Columbia University to win the Nobel Prize. In the 1990s, he founded the Jonas International Center in Slovakia, where he deals with calculations using this method. It is the only center of its kind in the world. Later, he was also nominated for the Nobel Prize in 2000.

Jonas's method - experience

Based on the available information in forums and internet discussions, Jonas's method can be considered recommended. Several discussants comment that the Jonas method calculation helped them conceive a child. However, some criticize that the calculation of fertile days was determined inaccurately and fertilization occurred outside the calculations or they continue to fail. Opinions also differ in the case of determining the gender of the child. In general, however, positive experiences with Jonas's method of natural conception prevail.

The most frequent questions - FAQ

Would you like to know exactly when your fertile days are? Have you already encountered the Jonas method in practice? Have you tried this specific calculation? What are your experiences? We will be happy if you share your opinions, advice, recommendations and tips in the discussion below the article. Thanks to your opinions in the comments, you can help other women and future parents who are interested in this method of calculating fertile days, contraception, determining the sex or the viability of a child. Is Jonas's method an interesting option for you?

No, if a woman has functional reproductive organs (it is necessary to have at least one functioning ovary with a fallopian tube and a uterus) within her cycle, there are always fertile days. Doctor Jonas also points out that it is not a rule that fertile days must be significant for the middle of the menstrual cycle. Based on Jonas's method, it is possible to calculate when exactly a woman has fertile days, that is, when conception has the highest probability. Despite the fact that, based on biorhythms, suitable conception dates do not always appear in a given cycle, sooner or later they do.

There are four types of calculations – infertile days (contraception), fertile days, gender determination and viable child. In any case, the woman's data is required, namely the date and year of birth, the time of birth (ideally as accurate as possible), the place of birth and the given year for which you want to know the optimal days for conception.

Based on the latest official statistics, the success rate of calculations using Jonas's method is approximately 98.6%.

Yes, by calculating the fertile days, determining the sex or viability of the child, it is also possible to determine when the date for the conception of twins is suitable. However, this calculation is very complicated and it is not possible to guarantee the successful conception of twins.

The Chinese gender calendar is one of the proven methods to determine the gender of the baby a pregnant woman is expecting. Reliability is somewhere between 85 and 99%. For the calculation, it is important to know the woman's birth age and the exact date or at least the month of the child's conception. This will determine the lunar age at the time of conception and, based on the Chinese lunar calendar, determine whether the woman is expecting a boy or a girl.

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