Magnesium in pregnancy

Magnesium in pregnancy. When, how long and how much magnesium to take during pregnancy

Magnesium, or magnesium belongs to very important mineral substances that affect many processes in the human body. During pregnancy, the need for magnesium intake increases by 15 to 30%. At the same time, due to hormones, its consumption in the body also increases, because there is increased blood flow to the kidneys and a larger amount is excreted from the body in the urine. Naturally, this means that a pregnant woman should increase her intake of this precious mineral. Magnesium during pregnancy can be taken from the diet, but there are also suitable nutritional supplements that ensure that there is no shortage of magnesium in the pregnant woman's body. Its effects are used in the treatment of various symptoms, such as preeclampsia, high blood pressure, convulsions or to prevent the risk of premature birth. How much magnesium can a woman take during pregnancy? Does magnesium help with leg cramps?

Published: 01.08.2023
Updated: 04.12.2023

Most doctors inform pregnant women about the increased needs of their body for the intake of nutritionally valuable nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Important minerals not only in the life of a pregnant woman also include magnesium. A sufficient amount of magnesium is essential for the woman and the fetus itself. During pregnancy, magnesium is important for the proper development of the child's bones, organs and nervous system. Magnesium plays an important role in metabolism. The largest share of magnesium is in the muscles and bones of a person. It is present in hundreds of biochemical processes of the human body. Does magnesium have adverse effects during pregnancy? What magnesium to take during pregnancy?

Magnesium in pregnancy and its functions

Magnesium belongs to mineral substances - electrolytes, which are essential for the functioning of our body. During a woman's pregnancy, the level of magnesium in the blood decreases and is excreted to a greater extent during urination, while its need increases by 10 to 30% in individual phases of pregnancy.

The increased consumption is caused by the growing fetus, whose need for magnesium increases. Magnesium plays a role in dampening muscle contractions, hardening of the abdomen, for example, in contractions of the uterus during false or labor contractions. It contributes to stable blood pressure, affects cholesterol and blood sugar levels and supports healthy heart activity.

Magnesium controls, for example, up to 300 enzymes in the body, which convert the received nutrients into energy or proteins from amino acids. It also helps with digestion. It eliminates the risks of swelling, muscle spasms in the limbs or reduces the frequency of abdominal hardening. In general, it contributes to the health of bones, teeth and good muscle condition. It has a positive effect against the occurrence of migraines, which are often the result of an insufficient amount of magnesium in the blood.

During pregnancy, it significantly affects the mood and psychological balance of the pregnant woman. To some extent, it reduces the risk of developing depressive conditions and helps with better quality sleep. A sufficient concentration of magnesium in the blood of a pregnant woman acts as a prevention in the occurrence of various health complications.

Magnesium in pregnancy and its functions

Magnesium deficiency - symptoms and risks

What can cause magnesium deficiency in pregnancy ? In principle, it can negatively affect all processes of the organism, of which it is a part. For a pregnant woman, however, it also presents much greater risks that can endanger the development and health of the fetus. The action of magnesium in the organism is very extensive. Which symptoms may indicate that the level of magnesium in the body is not sufficient ?

  • Irregular heart rhythm
  • Higher occurrence of muscle spasms - calves, fingers, more frequent hardening of the abdomen...
  • Unstable blood pressure - preeclampsia and eclampsia
  • Rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath
  • Increased risk of premature birth - premature outflow of amniotic fluid
  • Risk of miscarriage or low birth weight of the baby
  • More likely to experience migraines and headaches
  • Increased sensitivity of the body to stress - nervousness, moodiness, anxiety (note the possible occurrence of postpartum depression) and fatigue
  • Higher caries of teeth, breakage of nails and hair
  • Possible risk of developing gestational diabetes
  • Digestive problems (constipation, diarrhea, vomiting) caused by insufficient regulation of certain enzymes and a poorer ability to regulate metabolism in the absorption of proteins, fats and sugars

Diagnostics is performed by taking blood and its subsequent analysis. Thus, the level of magnesium is determined and therapy is determined, which systematically increases the amount of magnesium. A level below 0.7 mmol/l is considered a reduced value. Its lack often indicates a deficit of other minerals, such as calcium or potassium. In some cases, the amount of magnesium excreted in the urine is also monitored. In most cases, magnesium intake will be increased by appropriate nutritional supplements or lifestyle changes.

In acute cases, a magnesium infusion is administered during pregnancy, which allows a higher concentration of magnesium to enter the bloodstream directly and thus optimize biochemical processes that may not function properly in the body under other circumstances and may cause the aforementioned complications or irreversible consequences.

What magnesium to take during pregnancy?

Many women ask in discussions and forums what magnesium is appropriate to take during pregnancy. Whether it is a preventive use or a pregnant woman has been diagnosed with a lack of magnesium in the body, it is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist. A large number of nutritional supplements containing magnesium and other minerals are available on the market. There are also supplements that contain only magnesium.

Magnesium is available in various forms. What is important when using it is how efficiently the body can absorb it. For the prevention and deficiency of magnesium, doctors and experts most recommend using food supplements that contain magnesium orotate, lactate, citrate or chelate. Orotic acid, for example, is considered the perfect carrier of magnesium in the body. Thanks to this, magnesium is effectively absorbed. If it is magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate (compounds), their absorbability is relatively weak. Some nutritional supplements combine several types of magnesium carriers and their absorbability has a different character, which is also a suitable choice.

What magnesium to take during pregnancy?

Capsules or effervescent magnesium

In this case, the form of this supplement is a matter of preference. Effervescent magnesium during pregnancy has demonstrably the same effect and is effectively absorbed as capsules, and its effect or ability to enrich the body is not impaired in any way. If you are using other nutritional supplements or vitamin supplements, we recommend that you look for preparations containing pure magnesium without other ingredients.

Magnerot over-the-counter preparation in the form of tablets is considered a high-quality food supplement. Magnerot in pregnancy is a suitable preparation for supplementing magnesium. It is an over-the-counter preparation containing magnesium orotate, which guarantees effective distribution in the body. It may not be suitable for some women with lactose intolerance because it contains lactose monohydrate.

A frequently recommended preparation that ensures an increase in the level of magnesium in the body is Magne B6 Balance B9. This nutritional supplement is in the form of soluble bags that you can pour directly into your mouth and drink with water. One bag contains 150 mg of magnesium, 0.7 mg of vitamin B6 and also vitamin B9 (folic acid). It significantly contributes to the elimination of symptoms caused by magnesium deficiency in the body. Magne B6 can be taken in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

In case of insufficient amount of magnesium in pregnant women, the preparation Magnesia Lactici, which does not contain, for example, lactose, is also suitable. The main carrier is magnesium orotate dihydrate. Other suitable over-the-counter preparations are, for example, Jamieson Magnesium or effervescent magnesium for pregnant women from Livsane.

Dosage of magnesium in pregnant women

Several sources report a different range of what is the optimal dosage of magnesium in pregnancy. Therefore, primarily follow the recommendations of a doctor or pharmacist for over-the-counter and prescribed medications, who will best advise you on how much magnesium is necessary for your needs. Doctors also recommend pregnant women to consume more foods rich in magnesium.

Some sources state that 200 to 400 mg per day is recommended during pregnancy. Other sources indicate an optimal value of around 350 to 400 mg per day. This higher dose is caused precisely by the fact that during pregnancy the body's demands for the amount of magnesium in the body are higher. Especially from the 16th to the 18th week, its level decreases and the body excretes it to a greater extent. The daily dose of magnesium during pregnancy may also have an age limit. Pregnant women aged 18 and under should take a daily dose of about 400 mg, 19 to 30 years old 350 mg, 31 years and older about 360 mg daily.

Magnesium in pregnancy - dosage

How long to take magnesium during pregnancy?

From around the 36th week of pregnancy, gynecologists recommend mothers-to-be to skip dietary supplements containing magnesium and also to limit its intake in the natural diet. Due to the fact that the effects of magnesium reduce the risk of muscle spasms, they can naturally affect the muscle activity of the uterus (note that it is a muscle organ). Subsequently, they can cause damping of false (Braxton-Hicks) or labor contractions. This represents an undesirable condition in the final phase of pregnancy.

Since when to take magnesium in pregnancy is not strictly determined. However, it is recommended to take magnesium as a supplement before pregnancy and no later than the 16th week of pregnancy, when its amount in the body decreases. Similar to, for example, folic acid, its preventive use is better. The chance of overdosing on magnesium is minimal, but too much magnesium can also be harmful. Too high a level of magnesium can be manifested by excessive sleepiness, diarrhea, sweating or an irregular heart rhythm. Too much magnesium can also result in lazy uterus syndrome and in some cases can cause miscarriage. However, a more common complication in pregnancy is the lack of magnesium in the body.

Foods containing magnesium

Some foods are a perfect and natural source of magnesium. This is also why pregnant women are advised to eat a varied and balanced diet. It is important to remember that the body can receive approximately 30% of the total magnesium content from the diet.

To increase magnesium intake in a natural diet, it is good to include foods such as spinach, cabbage, legumes, cereals, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, roasted almonds, cashew nuts, soy milk, whole grain products, pumpkin seeds, bananas, avocado or tofu. Additional sources of magnesium can also be some mineral waters containing calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Magnesium in pregnancy - experience

The topic of magnesium in pregnancy is also discussed by women discussing on the Modrý konik platform. Most women state that they used magnesium during pregnancy for various reasons. Some due to contractions of the uterus and hardening of the abdomen, others had problems with fluctuating pressure, fatigue, insomnia, nervousness or shortness of breath. In terms of form, women prefer pills, but several discussants also reached for magnesium in effervescent form. Preferences in terms of individual products also differ. The most frequently used food supplement is Magnerot, Magnosolv (prescription), Magne B6 or Magnesia Lactici. Experienced mothers also remind that the use of magnesium from 35 tt is not suitable for dampening contractions. In some women, excess magnesium has caused miscarriage.

The most frequent questions - FAQ

Are you interested in the issue of magnesium in pregnancy ? Do you want to find out how to properly dose magnesium for pregnant women? In our article, you will also read how long magnesium can be taken during pregnancy and also what magnesium to take during pregnancy. What foods contain the most magnesium ? We will also be very happy if you, our readers, share your experiences. You have free space for discussion in the comments section. Your advice and recommendations can be very helpful for other mothers-to-be who are dealing with the issue of using magnesium during pregnancy.

A large number of over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs are available on the market. It is important to consult a doctor about use, or they will give you advice at the pharmacy. In general, the most recommended are Magnerot tablets or soluble Magne B6 Balance B9 bags. Medicines such as Magnesii Lactici, Jamieson Magnesium or effervescent magnesium for pregnant women from Livsane are also a suitable source of magnesium for pregnant women. Consult your doctor about the dosage and never exceed the recommended dosage.

The use of magnesium during pregnancy should be aimed at the entire period of pregnancy. However, it is recommended to discontinue the supplemental form of magnesium around the 36th-37th week of pregnancy (before its end), because the effects of magnesium can influence - suppress the activity of false or labor contractions.

The exact dose of magnesium that pregnant women should take varies depending on individual needs and health status. In general, the recommended daily dose of magnesium for pregnant women is approximately 350-400 mg. However, it is important to discuss this issue with your doctor as each pregnant woman has unique needs and there are other factors that can affect the appropriate dose of magnesium.

Yes, it is generally considered safe to take magnesium during pregnancy. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before taking any dietary supplements. You should stop taking magnesium before the end of pregnancy. An overdose of magnesium is a minimal possibility. At the same time, a sufficient level of magnesium in the body is an effective prevention against high blood pressure and the development of preeclampsia.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency during pregnancy may include muscle cramps (abdominal stiffness), fatigue, high blood pressure, nausea, digestive problems (constipation, diarrhea, vomiting), insomnia, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, migraine, moodiness and irritability. The risk of premature birth or spontaneous abortion increases. Such symptoms can also be caused by other factors or diseases, so it is important to consult a doctor.

Low iron in pregnancy is called iron-deficiency anemia and can be caused by several factors. Iron deficiency in pregnancy poses a risk for both the woman and the fetus. The risk of premature birth, low birth weight of the newborn, or problems with bleeding during childbirth may increase. Anemia can have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, increased fatigue of the woman, and the risk of infections in the body also increases. If you are taking supplemental iron and magnesium at the same time, keep a gap of at least 2 hours between doses.

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