Probiotics during pregnancy

Probiotics for pregnant women. Natural ones are best during pregnancy

In connection with the use of probiotics, there is always talk about their positive effects and benefits for the human body. Probiotics themselves do not belong exclusively to nutritional supplements, which must solve a specific problem at a given moment, and their use is often preventive in nature. Long-term use is the basis for their desired effects. And are probiotics actually suitable for pregnant women? They are and probiotics will provide a wide range of benefits to a pregnant woman. Their use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is suitable. They have a positive effect on both mother and child, affect digestion (diarrhea, constipation), build immunity, alleviate allergy symptoms and also have an effect on the occurrence of infections or certain diseases. Do probiotics help the gut? What probiotics to take during pregnancy? Are probiotics effective for diarrhea in pregnancy?

Published: 04.08.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

Probiotics are becoming an increasingly popular nutritional supplement not only recently. Practice and research show the number of positive effects they have on the human body. Their use during pregnancy is completely safe, as proven by renowned studies. Despite the fact that we can also receive them from our normal diet, their representation may not be sufficient due to various changes in eating habits. That is why probiotic preparations are a suitable food supplement. Probiotics as such are living bacteria that have a beneficial effect primarily in our digestive tract. With their effects, they affect not only digestion, but also other processes in our organism. They are not only a suitable but also a desirable nutritional supplement during pregnancy.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are living microorganisms, specifically bacteria or yeast, which are of great importance for the functioning of our body, especially for the digestive system. These microorganisms are naturally found in our digestive tract, intestines and help maintain a healthy balance of the intestinal microbiome, i.e. the complex of bacteria living in our body. It is in the intestines and digestive tract that most of the immune cells that ensure our immunity are found. In the case of a lack of these organisms in the digestive tract, digestion does not work properly and thus our immunity also deteriorates.

Probiotics, live bacteria and microorganisms, or probiotic cultures are divided into several groups and strains. The most frequently used probiotics belong to the strains of Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus rhamnosus, plantarum), Bifidobacterium (Bifidobacterium longum, bifidum), Enterobacteriaceae or Escherichia. However, there are many other effective strains and genera with different beneficial effects. Probiotics are richly represented in many foods that can be included in our diet. However, probiotics are also available in the form of tablets, capsules or powders as over-the-counter nutritional supplements.

What are probiotics?

Positive effects of probiotics

In general, several positive effects of probiotics on the human body have been known for a long time. Long-term use has a preventive nature and does not pose any risks for the body. Of course, the dosage must be adjusted according to the characteristics of the selected product. How long to take probiotics is individual, depending on the needs of the organism.

  • They help to improve digestion and contribute to the restoration of the intestinal microbiome - intestinal microflora.
  • They positively affect the condition of immune cells, many of which are found in the digestive tract.
  • They are very helpful for digestive problems, e.g. infectious diarrhea caused by a viral-parasitic disease.
  • They contribute to more effective absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals - magnesium, calcium, iron.
  • They reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions or aid digestion in the case of lactose intolerance.
  • They contribute to reducing the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

It is advisable to use probiotics not only if you suddenly have digestive problems or want to strengthen your immunity. Probiotics are often prescribed along with antibiotics to restore beneficial bacteria and microorganisms in the digestive tract, which antibiotics can destroy along with harmful bacteria by their action. They thus maintain the essential balance of the microbiome for the body. They can have a positive effect even when a person is exposed to excessive stress and pressure. Live bacteria can reduce stomach "nervousness" and support immunity.

Benefits of using probiotics for pregnant women

Taking probiotics during pregnancy is safe. Several doctors recommend women to use probiotics during pregnancy as a preventive measure. Similarly, as it is with the use of folic acid or suitable vitamin supplements. During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through many hormonal and physiological changes that affect several biochemical processes in the body. This is related to the level of hormones, digestion and immunity. Probiotics not only have a beneficial effect on the health of the future mother, but also on the development of the fetus. Many studies have already proven this. In the end, the positive effects of using probiotics have a preventive nature and thanks to this they can eliminate some negative manifestations in pregnancy. Do probiotics work on diarrhea, intestines and what are their benefits in pregnancy?

  • They help proper digestion and alleviate digestive problems - constipation, diarrhea or loss of appetite.
  • Due to the action of probiotic cultures, they can reduce the fasting blood sugar level.
  • They also have a positive effect on the vaginal microflora – probiotics reduce the risk of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.
  • They affect the reduction of the occurrence of gestational diabetes in pregnancy or the occurrence of preeclampsia.
  • They support the development and health of the intestinal microbiome in pregnant women and babies.
  • They support a healthy immune system of the pregnant woman and the fetus.
  • They reduce the risk of subsequent diseases in the child - cardiovascular diseases, obesity or diabetes.
  • They have a preventive effect against inflammation of the breasts during breastfeeding.

According to research and studies, they can also reduce the risk of allergic reactions in the child. It also reduces the risk of atopic dermatitis and eczema in the newborn. Women who used probiotics during pregnancy and continued to use them during breastfeeding had much better digestion and did not have such digestive problems (probiotics are effective against bloating, diarrhea and constipation). The presence of probiotic cultures in breast milk contributes to the development of the intestinal microbiome in the child and the building of its better defenses.

Benefits of using probiotics for pregnant women

What probiotics to use during pregnancy?

When choosing probiotics for pregnant women, it is best to consult a doctor or get advice from pharmacists at a pharmacy. Not all of these products are suitable for pregnant women. It is ideal to reach for proven and tested products, which are recommended by experts and pregnant women have experience with them, or moms. The most common form of probiotics is pills, capsules or drops, but exceptionally you can also come across a powdered soluble form of probiotics.

The best probiotics for pregnant women are those that contain suitable strains of live bacteria. There are probiotic products that contain exclusively probiotic cultures, but there are also products that contain other beneficial ingredients (minerals, vitamins, extracts) for the body and organism of a pregnant woman. When choosing, you can be guided by the number of CFU - Colony Forming Units (e.g. 0.5-20 billion), which indicates the amount of viable bacteria in one dose. So if probiotics contain 9 billion bacteria and represent 9 strains, there are approximately 1 billion bacteria per strain. The strains themselves determine the diversity of these microorganisms contained in the product. Also, rather bet on products from a proven manufacturer. Based on the experience of pregnant women, we recommend the following products:

  • ProBio-Fix Inum Trim 3
  • Biopron Forte
  • Vitabalans Lactoseven
  • Biofarma Floraliv
  • ProBio Fix

Foods with a high content of probiotics

Our body can receive a certain amount of probiotics in a regular diet. Sometimes they are not sufficiently represented in our diet, which can be mainly responsible for digestive problems. However, there are foods that allow us to receive probiotic cultures in a natural way. Here are some tips for foods high in probiotics:

  • acidophilic milk,
  • yoghurts,
  • kefir,
  • pickled cucumbers,
  • sour cabagge,
  • soft ripening cheeses (mozzarella, cheddar, gouda),
  • Apple vinegar,
  • yeast,
  • tempeh
  • kombucha.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to consume too large amounts of the same foods. The recommendation is, everything in moderation, while in order to ensure a sufficient proportion of probiotics in the body, it is necessary to consume a larger amount of such foods. Therefore, there is sometimes a problem with their sufficient amount in our stomach microflora. That is why a nutritional supplement is often the optimal choice to help yourself and not burden your stomach. However, take care of a varied menu and a healthy diet during pregnancy.

Foods with a high content of probiotics

How to take probiotics and dosage

If you have selected suitable probiotics, the dosage itself is always specified by the manufacturer. You should never exceed the daily dose. So follow the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging. In case of health complications or digestive difficulties, it is advisable to consult a doctor about their use. In some cases, the dosage may be adjusted by the doctor according to specific needs.

In order for the probiotic strains of live bacteria to have a positive effect on the organism of a pregnant woman, their long-term and regular use is important. This applies both during and outside of pregnancy. It is advisable to alternate probiotic strains during long-term use, for example by changing the product.

When to take probiotics? Probiotics are not recommended on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is better if you take probiotic bacteria together with food or just before it. Thanks to this, probiotic strains have sources of nutrients necessary for life and further reproduction. Do not forget to drink the tablets or capsules with a sufficient amount of water.

Probiotics in pregnancy - experience

Pregnant women deal with the use of probiotics mainly in connection with digestive problems, or as a means of building better immunity. Women also unanimously state that the use of probiotics during pregnancy is extremely safe, and several doctors recommend women to use them long-term. Some women started using it at the beginning of pregnancy, others even before conception. Pill forms of probiotics are not a problem in the long term either. According to the discussants, it is important to reach for probiotics that are tried and tested.

The most frequent questions - FAQ

Are you one of the expectant mothers or pregnant women who are interested in suitable nutritional supplements that can benefit the health of the woman and the health of your baby ? In that case, it is not only about folic acid, but also about probiotics for pregnant women. In our article, you can read what probiotics are and also what are their positive effects on the human body. You will also read about the benefits of using them for pregnant women. What do probiotics bring to the diet ? Why is it recommended to take probiotics with antibiotics ? We will be very happy for your opinions, advice, recommendations and personal experiences with taking probiotics during pregnancy. Write them in the comments section under the article.

For the proper effect of probiotics, it is necessary to use them regularly and for a long time. The dosage is always determined by the manufacturer and never exceed the daily dose until the doctor adjusts the dosage differently according to specific needs. You should take them with food or just before it. Never take probiotics on an empty stomach. You can use them during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are completely safe for mother and child.

It is ideal to take probiotics with food or just before eating, while it is necessary to drink them with a sufficient amount of water. In this way, it is ensured that the probiotic bacteria will have a sufficient source of nutrients that they need to survive and reproduce. Long-term use on an empty stomach can in some cases cause increased activity of the stomach and resulting discomfort.

For some situations, it may be recommended to take probiotics only for a short period, for example after antibiotics, to restore the balance of the intestinal microflora. In other cases, they may be part of a long-term health regimen. In the case of a planned pregnancy, it is advisable to include probiotics as a dietary supplement even before pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant, due to hormonal and other changes, it is advisable to take probiotics as soon as possible so that their effect can occur during the next stages of pregnancy.

Antibiotics in pregnancy are generally an inappropriate medicine and their use is only used in justified cases, which are assessed by a doctor. When you take antibiotics, these drugs not only destroy the pathogenic bacteria that cause infections, but they can also have a negative effect on the beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract (microbiome imbalance). In this context, probiotics can help by providing a supplement of beneficial bacteria that may be lost during antibiotic use. Probiotics can restore the balance of the microbiome and help reduce the risk of developing adverse effects.

There are several strains of probiotic bacteria and yeast that have their own specific effects. The bacteria Bifitobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidum Bifidobacterium, Bifidobacterium lactis are considered to be the best known and most effective. Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus paracasei.

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