Stop using diapers

Stop using diapers in a week. How to wean a child from diapers and how long does it take?

There are literally hundreds of advice and recommendations on how to wean a child from diapers. Many are based on practical experience, but even this is not a guarantee that the baby's ditch the diapers will take place without the slightest complications. Each child is different, matures faster or slower, learns some processes with problems and manages others with ease. Not every child can master stop using diapers in a week, just as they learn to talk or walk at different paces, how long it takes to wean a child from diapers is very individual. The question of many mothers is when is the right time to start weaning from diapers. In our article, in addition to this information, you will also read about why summer is the best time to stop using diapers.

Published: 09.05.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

What principles should be followed when weaning a child from diapers? It is possible to follow certain general rules and advice, but after all, each child is an individual who requires a different approach. Changing diapers is a challenge for both the child and the parents. One child can do it in a week, the other will struggle with weaning from diapers for months. Determination, patience and understanding are important. You will look in vain for one guide that will answer the question of how to wean a child from diapers. There are several methods, while diapering is always a process that consists of several steps and certain rules must be followed.

The right time to stop using diapers

From a medical point of view, but also from a practical point of view, it is best to start weaning a child from diapers around 18 to 24 months, that is, roughly around 1.5 to 2 years. In this regard, the opinions of pediatricians, child psychologists and the experiences of parents agree. Weaning a 2-year-old child should also be closely related to potty or toilet training. Exceptionally, happy exceptions can depress parents when a child asks about the potty at 12 months, but it is definitely not a stable rule.

Starting to stop using diapers too early may not be appropriate and, on the contrary, may cause the child to create a block and subsequent potty training or use of another diaper-free method will be more difficult. However, starting late is also not an ideal situation, because the child can create an emotional bond with the diaper under certain circumstances, and then the changes can cause stress, which leads to complications during ditching the diapers. However, stop using diapers of a 3-year-old child does not have to be a nightmare in principle. This process of learning and weaning from diapers has many individual specifics.

The right time to change the baby's diaper

When is the baby not ready for ditching the diapers?

Every mother should be able to judge, based on certain signals, that the child is mature enough for ditching the diapers. The age range does not have to be an authoritative indication for every child that stop using diapers and potty training can begin.

The child must be aware of his needs and show interest in targeted emptying. Otherwise, it makes no sense to push the child into something he doesn't want and has no idea why he should do it. If the child starts to be aware of his body's signals, even stop using diapers is much less problematic.

It is positive if the child feels discomfort in a wet diaper or can name that he peed or pooed. Maybe he will start demanding that you wash him and put the dirty diaper away. A child is certainly not ready if he does not understand instructions and concepts such as peeing, pooping, potty, toilet, etc. A signal of sufficient maturity is that the child can take off and put on pants by himself or wants to wear underwear, briefs/pants.

An important signal is if the child wakes up dry or can last 2-3 hours during the day without an accident, for example even after an afternoon nap. Perhaps the child has observed you or an older sibling going to the toilet and wants to be like you. In a certain way, he demands that the need be fulfilled, whether he asks or indicates it with gestures, pointing to the potty or grimacing.

If you do not observe such signals in your child, wait until you change the diaper. However, you can easily introduce the child to the potty. Explain to him what the potty is for, place him on the toilet, take him with you, sit him on the potty even with a diaper, while you sit on the toilet and communicate about what you are doing, what pooping and peeing is, that the potty or the toilet is here for exactly that. Such pre-preparation can also make changing the baby's diaper easier.

When is the baby not ready for diaper changing?

Weaning a child from diapers in winter or summer?

Why is summer referred to as the ideal time of year for weaning from diapers? Above all, it should be emphasized that the time of year does not play a role in when you should start weaning from diapers. Parents and pediatricians agree that summer is better because of the climate and weather. The child is dressed lightly and whether he is running around the house, apartment or garden, ordinary knickers or briefs will suffice. When the child urinates, he will feel discomfort and wetness, which will cause him to need dry clothes. The subsequent acquisition of the habit that the potty can relieve him of this feeling of discomfort is natural.

Weaning from diapers in winter does not change anything in terms of procedure, but in colder weather, even if the room is heated, the child will not run around half-naked to catch a cold. Even in that case, however, you can choose tighter clothes, pants or tights, which, when the child pees, will regain the feeling of discomfort, which will show accordingly.

Classic cloth diapers without an insert are also an option. As with briefs or panties, the child will feel discomfort due to moisture. When using them, the child becomes aware of the discomfort much more than with diapers with higher absorbency.

Diaper-free baby - a parent as a role model

For many parents, it has proven successful in practice if they set an example for their child. You can also wean your child from diapers at this early age by letting the child watch you. This does not mean that you place the potty in the bathroom and when you go to the bathroom, you take your child with you. During this time, you can talk to the child about peeing, pooping and that the potty or toilet is there for this purpose. At a certain point, a "little adult" will wake up in the child, who will want to imitate the parent. Either it starts going to the potty, or secure a step and a reduction to a child's toilet seat.

We also advise parents not to start ditching the diapers if they expect miracles while waiting. Kindergarten is approaching, does the child have to spend the night with friends or are you going on vacation? The first week requires the creation of a system, habits and routine to make weaning from diapers meaningful. The environment must be stable. If you are pressed for time and you are angry with the child and you want to speed up the process, this may not be met with understanding. The same principle also applies if you want to teach your child to go to the potty.

Unwrapping the baby

How to teach a child to use the potty - stop using diapers in 7 days

It is the most frequent and popular method of weaning a child from diapers. Such a method is proven, as evidenced by the experience and practice of the parents themselves. We have for you a brief guide to stop using diapers in a week, which is Gina Ford's method. The prerequisite is sufficient maturity of the child. Of course, if the child does not manage to go to the potty and stop using diapers in 7 days, there is no reason to panic.

  • Day 1 – after a night's sleep, after waking up, you put the child on the potty and instead of a diaper, you give him only panties or clothes that he can easily pull off. Diapers will be part of the ditching the diapers only at night or during sleep during the day. The potty must have its stable place. Sit the child on the potty every hour and ask him if he will pee or poop. For example, make a sound signal "ciki-ciki or kaki-kaki". If he goes potty, praise him. If you go to the toilet, take him with you, sit him on the potty and explain to him what is happening. In case of an accident, do not scold the child. It is good to note when the child usually goes to pee after eating, before sleeping, etc.
  • Day 2 - start the second day the same way, but during the day transfer responsibility to the child, remind him "ciki-ciki" or "kaki-kaki". Explain to him that if he wants to pee or poop, he should ask. Keep asking him, if the accidents keep happening, go back to the technique from day one.
  • 3rd day - go for a walk, shopping or visit with the child, let him pee first. Do not give him a diaper by any chance, whether you are driving, in a stroller or on foot. Take spare clothes, just in case. If possible, you can also take a potty with you. The child should begin to realize that if he wants to defecate, it will not be in his pants, but he will ask for the need and delay it for a certain time.
  • Day 4 to 7 - If all goes well, your assistance should be minimal. You don't ask the child anymore, he should start asking himself. Accidents should decrease. Of course, some children will not be able to master this routine in 3 days, and it may take longer. If there are more accidents, go back in a day. A good sign is if the child wakes up with a dry diaper after the night or after taking a daytime nap, in which case try to put the diaper away completely. Later, the potty can start to replace the toilet.

Weaning in 7 days

Stop using diapers in a week – The Indian method

This nappy removal method is one of the fastest and the duration is estimated at one to two weeks. But that doesn't mean it has to work for every child, because not all shortcuts will work for your little one. It is suitable for children around 2 years old, who are already aware of the need and can at least partially control this need. The child's maturity is therefore also essential.

It is necessary to explain to the child that he does not need a diaper, that during the day there is a potty or a toilet for this purpose. From day to day, you will take the baby's diapers and you must not abandon this intention. Of course, even before that, it is necessary that the potty or toilet perceives. It is important to ask about the need and consciously perform a small and later a large need to the potty or the toilet. You leave the diapers only for night sleep, or for sleep during the day. Expect accidents, it's normal. However, it is important to persevere, the child will gradually begin to give signals that will mean that he needs a small/large need. There must be praise and motivation in the form of a reward in case of success. Aggressive reactions are not appropriate.

What is night changing?

How to change diapers at night? It is a process related to unlearning the use of a diaper at night. If you successfully manage to keep the child dry during the day, asks to pee, poop and has no problem with the potty or the toilet, it is a success. However, bedwetting may persist. Whether a child can hold urine while sleeping depends on the hardness of the sleep or also on the amount of fluids before sleep. There are some children who wake up on impulse, but also some who sleep so soundly that a full bladder does not wake them up.

Test the child. If you are in the phase of ditching the diapers and the child wakes up dry even after an afternoon nap, this is a clear sign that you can skip diapers for the night. The rule of thumb is that night weaning a child from diapers should end around the age of 5. Of course, occasional accidents are natural. This can be caused by various changes, for example starting kindergarten. Then feel free to return the diapers for a short time, if the child's psyche stabilizes, the diapers for the night will not be needed again.

Night changing

Diaperless communication method

DEC or diaper-free elimination communication method is a method of diaper removal that is closely related to mother-baby communication. Already stop using diapers of a one-year-old child is possible thanks to such a method. The child emits certain signals even if he is not talking yet, it can be body language, grimaces or movements. The mother herself has to learn what the individual expressions mean. Close contact is therefore important. Manifestations of the baby in the form of bending the knees may mean that the baby wants to pee or poop. Crumbling from side to side can also be a signal of the need to defecate.

With DEC, it is also important to create or rather get to know the schedule, the mother learns over time how the baby's body works, when he poops or pee, whether to let him pee before or after breastfeeding, before or before eating. In a way, it is a kind of intuition, when the mother can sense and recognize the needs of the baby. Emptying takes place by holding the child over the potty or toilet. During this method, the mother uses the diapers at most during nighttime sleep or until she gets to know the baby's signals. Of course, alternate successes and failures are also natural in this case.

Nappy changing pants - training pants

They can be very helpful when teaching a child to use the potty and weaning from diapers training pants. You can imagine them as older tracksuits or underwear that you will put on your child during the day. The training pants will remind the child that he is wearing them for a reason. When the child wants to pee or poop, go with him to the potty or the toilet, help him undress, if necessary, while giving him instructions about what you are doing, why you are doing it, etc. An accident can happen, because that's what training pants are for. At the same time, the child will remember again that the feeling of wet clothes is not pleasant.

There are also special training pants for changing a baby's diaper, which you can buy from retailers with baby equipment. They look like classic underwear (diaper pants), they are easy to put on and take off, and they have a very soft absorbent layer that will catch the leakage, but at the same time will create a feeling of cold. The better ones are completely impermeable and urine does not get into the surroundings. Never use standard diapers as training pants. Classic cloth diapers can be a suitable alternative.

Training pants

Valuable advice for parents - stop using diapers has rules

Stop using diapers is a difficult time for many parents, especially in today's fast-paced world. However, you must not transfer nervousness, anger and frustration to your child. Expect stress, nervousness and try to control yourself even in crisis situations. Weaning is a process, not every method you choose will work for your baby, it won't always go quickly. The first pee or poo in the potty can be a matter of days, weeks or months, and alternating successes and failures are normal. In conclusion, we have practical advice for you that can make stop using diapers easier for you.

  • Don't expect quick miracles. Weaning a baby requires patience, consistency and time. The fact that one day the child managed to pee in the potty, but the next day it did not, does not mean failure. Waiting for miracles is not possible. Accidents are natural and part of the method.
  • No yelling, punishments or taunts. If the child does not manage to successfully go to the potty even on the "xth" time, does not ask or simply urinates or poops, the parent's reaction is the most important. Express your sadness that it's a shame that it didn't work out, but definitely don't punish him, compare him to other kids, or make fun of him. Phrases like "everyone will laugh at you" are definitely not good for the child's psyche. Do not make the child feel that he is worthy of the condemnation of the parent or his surroundings if he does not succeed in this direction. The montessori principle of weaning a child from diapers also speaks first of all about positive communication with the child and his motivation.
  • Coercive means do not work! It is natural that even a parent has his limits, and if he encounters the fact that the child refuses the potty or sits on it, but defecates in his pants right after he gets up, the level of nervousness rises. However, forcing the child to sit on the potty until he pees or poops is not a solution. A negative association will begin to form in the child, the potty will be a place full of stress and weaning from diapers will take many times longer. Do not put too much pressure on the child, trust him, support him that he will be able to do it, even if it takes longer than you expected.
  • The best motivation is praise and reward, but in moderation. It doesn't have to be sweets or toys, but a ritual dance, song or something similar. If your child successfully sits on the potty, applaud, praise him. If he pees and poops, motivate him with a reward, be happy with him, it's a turning point. However, over time, give up rewards and excessive celebrations, the child must realize that pooping and peeing are physiological and natural needs. If the child demands a reward, it is time to communicate and explain the situation.
  • Night diapers are not necessarily evil. Although the child stays dry during the day, can ask about the potty or the toilet, at night it can sometimes happen that the child urinates. There can be more reasons, but if the situation repeats itself, it is not a bad solution to give the child a diaper at night. If the child starts waking up again with a dry diaper, you simply do not give him a diaper the next night.


Stop using diapers is the same problem as potty training - the child can be stubborn and hold urine all day, or simply does not want to give up the diaper. According to mothers, even in this case, the child must understand why it is high time to stop using diapers. Some children try to imitate their parents at a certain age and want to go to the toilet like adults, so suddenly they don't need a diaper. Again, patience is important, give your child the opportunity to be out of diapers and use the toilet or potty once in a while, and if he is not ready, try again later.

The most frequent questions - FAQ

The phase of ditching the diapers is often a difficult time for parents and children. Each parent and child copes with weaning from diapers differently. What are your experiences with weaning a child from diapers? What method worked for you? When did your child learn to use the potty? We will be happy if you share with us your opinions, experiences or advise other parents. Join the discussion under the article.

In some literature or articles, you will come across the opinion that weaning a boy from diapers is more difficult than weaning a girl from diapers. The truth is that there is no relevant statistics or research on this. It's always about the child's individuality, and just as a girl can handle changing diapers in a week, so can a boy.

There are several methods to wean a baby in a week. One of them is the Native American method of disposing diapers, which consists in the fact that the child stops using diapers overnight. The second option is the gradual method of disposing diapers in 7 days according to Gina Ford.

This is a very individual time frame. It depends on the chosen method and the specific individuality of the child. Some children wean themselves off diapers faster, others take longer. Patience and positive attitude of parents is important. In the process, setbacks are normal and should be expected. There are methods you can use to get through diapering in a week or two.

The reason is mainly the warmer weather. Thus, the child can be dressed only in knickers. In the event of an accident (peeing), he feels that it is wet and the result is a feeling of discomfort. Thanks to this, the child demands to be dry and the solution is to use the potty or the toilet. The child thus creates associations, which is very welcome for faster weaning from diapers.

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