What are symptoms of pregnancy 5 days after sex?

What are symptoms of pregnancy 5 days after sex?

Published: 20.10.2023
Updated: 14.12.2023

The onset of the first symptoms of pregnancy is very individual. Many women become aware of the symptoms only after the pregnancy is confirmed by a pregnancy test or a medical examination. It is not possible to define exactly when a woman will start to feel the first symptoms of pregnancy. After 5 days from sexual intercourse, assuming that fertilization also occurred on that day (this is not a rule), it takes approximately 6 to 7 days, during which the journey of the fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes to the uterus occurs. The entire process of nesting the egg takes approximately 13 to 14 days from fertilization. During this process, the HCG hormone is produced, the increased level of which can be detected, for example, by a pregnancy test.

Fertilization of the egg itself cannot be felt, but women can feel symptoms of the egg implanting in the uterus, which are not pregnancy symptoms by any chance. Nesting can be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen - reminiscent of menstrual pain. There is also implantation bleeding, which has a light red color. It lasts about 1 to 2 days and starts about 7 days after ovulation. Basal temperature can also increase.

5 days after intercourse, no symptoms of pregnancy can be felt, because only the process of implantation of the egg takes several days. Subsequently, after nesting, pregnancy begins, but it enters the clinical phase only if it is confirmed by the gynecologist himself with the help of an ultrasound examination or blood sampling . The most sensitive pregnancy tests can record the increased presence of the HCG hormone already approximately 7 to 8 days after potential fertilization. Attention, spermatozoa can survive in a woman's body for 3 to 7 days, so the day of sexual intercourse does not automatically mean the day of fertilization.

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