What are the chances of getting pregnant without protection?

What are the chances of getting pregnant without protection?

Published: 11.09.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

Women or couples often ask what are the chances of getting pregnant after unprotected sex if the ejaculate does not end up in the woman's vagina after a man's orgasm. Statistically, this question is solved primarily by women or couples who practice unprotected sex and fear that fertilization and conception of a child may occur during it. They do not use any form of contraception. The truth is that it is precisely unprotected sexual intercourse that leads to conception. The probability of pregnancy during unprotected sexual intercourse is therefore always high, but depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the chance is lower or higher. The highest chance of getting pregnant is during a woman's fertile days.

And when does a woman have fertile days ? A woman's fertility is the highest during her fertile days. This period in a woman's menstrual cycle is also called ovulation. This period is usually in the middle of a woman's 28-day menstrual cycle. It is therefore about the 12th-14th day after the last menstruation. In the period 3 days before and 4 days after ovulation, it is recommended to practice unprotected sexual intercourse, because there is the highest chance of getting pregnant. A man's sperm can survive in a woman's body for 48 to 72 hours (note, some researches state that sperm can survive in a woman's body for up to 7 days) and a woman's egg can be fertilized by a man's dominant sperm.

It is also not true that a woman cannot get pregnant during menstruation. The menstrual cycle is divided into several phases, during each of which there is a certain chance of pregnancy. During ovulation, an egg is released, which is able to be fertilized for approximately the next 12 hours. If, for example, intercourse took place during menstruation, which is not recommended, in certain cases ovulation may be induced outside the expected period. Even during a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation does not have to occur on the same day of the cycle, therefore, if sperm can survive in the body for several days, fertilization of the egg can occur even after intercourse that took place outside the ovulation phase.

Men and women often ask whether a woman can get pregnant from pre-seminal fluid, which is also popularly called "drops of love". The so-called pre-ejaculate is produced as a natural lubricant during male arousal. Pre-ejaculate itself does not contain any sperm. However, the presence of sperm in it can be affected by several factors, for example, sperm can linger in the urethra after a previous ejaculation. If there are enough sperm in the pre-ejaculate, the chance of fertilization increases.

So, what are the chances of getting pregnant without protection? Always higher than when using any form of contraception. Reliability when using condoms correctly is up to 98%. If partners do not protect themselves during sexual intercourse, the probability that fertilization will occur is statistically at the level of 15 to 30%, depending on the phase of the cycle in which the woman is.

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