What does a prolapsed uterus look like?

What does a prolapsed uterus look like?

Published: 17.10.2023
Updated: 13.12.2023

If during a visit to your gynecologist you receive information that there has been a prolapse of the uterus, or If your uterus has prolapsed, it means that your pelvic floor has moved lower. In layman's terms, the muscles of the pelvic floor are too weakened and the female organs, often including the bladder or urethra, move lower. Uterine prolapse occurs mainly in women after multiple pregnancies or difficult births. Weakening of the pelvic floor also occurs with increasing age.

A prolapsed uterus is manifested by a feeling of pressure in the lower part of the pelvis, leakage of urine, bladder infections, vaginal bleeding, digestive problems and, in the worst cases, complete prolapse of the uterus, you can even feel the uterus or cervix in the vagina. Sexual intercourse is often unpleasant and painful. In case of incomplete prolapse, the symptoms mentioned above appear. The so-called A cystocele is a prolapse of the uterus associated with a prolapse of the bladder, which is a very common manifestation. The bladder thus moves up to the vagina. The doctor determines the method of treatment according to the stage of the prolapse, while in some cases surgery is necessary.

Treatment of a prolapsed uterus is also possible, for example, by exercise. These are special kegel exercises intended for exercising the pelvic floor and strengthening it. With these exercises, you can prevent the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. You can perceive exercise as prevention. In certain stages, the doctor will recommend a vaginal pessary, which slows down the movement of the organs and stabilizes the position of the uterus. Consult your doctor about its use and cleaning. In critical cases, the only option is the aforementioned surgery.

A relatively large proportion of older women encounter this unpleasant problem. Based on discussions, women who have given birth shortly after each other also struggle with this problem. In some cases, there was a decrease in the pelvic floor even immediately after childbirth in younger mothers. Most often, women apply exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor. Several women are worried that their condition did not improve with exercise and the only alternative was surgery.

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