When do baby teeth fall out?

When do baby teeth fall out?

Published: 14.06.2023
Updated: 05.12.2023

Few mothers know this, but the baby's teeth start to develop already in the 6th week of pregnancy . In some cases, it even happens that a baby can be born with one cut (lower) incisor. In most cases, however, it takes several months before baby teeth start to erupt. Usually, milk teeth start to erupt around the 4th to 6th month . By the age of 3, the child should have all 20 milk teeth. And when do baby teeth fall out?

Permanent teeth begin to be replaced by deciduous ones around the age of 6. Human teeth change only once in a lifetime, unlike some animals in nature - elephants change up to 6 times in a lifetime. Falling out occurs at this age, because the permanent tooth is located under the baby tooth and gradually pushes out the root of the baby tooth. Baby teeth are completely replaced, and around the age of 10 to 12, baby teeth should be completely replaced with permanent ones. The front incisors are changed first, followed by the lateral incisors. The canines follow and then the first and second molars. Paradoxically, the permanent sixths often appear first, because they have no predecessor in the milk dentition and are the first to erupt.

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