When will my stitches fall out after giving birth?

When will my stitches fall out after giving birth?

Published: 27.07.2023
Updated: 14.12.2023

After a successful birth, the mother is happy and full of feelings, but at the same time, the woman must perceive what her body is going through. During childbirth, it is common that complications can arise and the doctor must proceed with an immediate solution. For childbirth, it is often necessary to use surgical operations, for example caesarean section, which can be acute or planned. An incision in the perineum - an episiotomy - is often performed during a vaginal birth so that the birth can take place safely. In the worst case, spontaneous rupture of the dam (tearing) will occur due to excessive pressure on the birth canal. In all these cases, suturing is necessary after childbirth.

When will the stitches fall out after giving birth? If it is a caesarean section, the doctor stitches the abdomen with special absorbent sutures and possibly connects the wound with staples, so that the wound and damaged tissues grow together as quickly as possible. These clips are usually removed on the 4th to 5th day after birth. That is, even before you leave the maternity ward. Absorbable sutures are also used for suturing. How long the stitches are absorbed is quite individual. They are usually absorbed within 3 weeks of cesarean delivery and do not need to be removed on an outpatient basis. Exceptionally, removable sutures are used, which, depending on the healing of the wound, are removed on an outpatient basis 7 to 10 days after cesarean delivery. However, doctors prefer self-absorbable suture materials. It is always necessary to observe a rest regime and not exert yourself so that the healing of the wound is not complicated. Follow the doctor's instructions.

In the event of a cut or tear of the perineum, self-absorbable or self-dissolving sutures are used to suture the wound after childbirth. Depending on the suture material, such sutures lose their strength approximately 7 days after the wound is sutured. How long do the stitches absorb after sewing the dam? It depends on the suture material used by the doctor. It usually takes 7 to 14 days for the stitches to absorb or fall out on their own. Today, doctors primarily prefer absorbable suture materials. In some cases, the stitches will disappear sooner or later, but it is still true that it is necessary to take care of the wound.

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