Why didn't I get pregnant during my fertile window?

Why didn't I get pregnant during my fertile window?

Published: 21.09.2023
Updated: 06.12.2023

The question of why a woman could not get pregnant despite timing sexual intercourse during fertile days according to her menstrual cycle cannot be answered precisely. In the case of each woman and basically the couple themselves, these are very individual factors that affect the chance of pregnancy.

It is important to remember that if a woman has unprotected intercourse during her fertile days, this does not automatically mean that there will be successful fertilization and subsequent implantation of the fertilized egg. The best chances of getting pregnant are approximately between days 11 and 21, when the ovulation phase occurs during a woman's menstrual cycle. However, this window of fertility may not automatically mean that a woman's egg will be successfully fertilized by a man's sperm after unprotected sex. The chance of pregnancy is also reduced by an irregular menstrual cycle, for which even the calculation of fertile days can be inaccurate.

Many couples try for months to years, but without success. The calculation of fertile days can be determined by folliculometry. Jonas method helped some women conceive. The man should also undergo a sperm examination, and the spermiogram will determine how mobile the man's sperm are (problems - weaker sperm production, lack of sperm, poor motility). Age can also affect pregnancy. Women under the age of 25 have the highest chances of getting pregnant. Subsequently, the chance of pregnancy decreases. Fertility begins to decline in women around the age of 35. If you have been unable to conceive for a long time, we recommend that you contact experts who will provide you with the necessary information and offer options that increase the chance of becoming pregnant.

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